A couple of weeks ago I wrote a post about making more corned beef to can. My big decision was to figure out whether to can it in pints or quarts. I knew pints would be ok for making corned beef with eggs or corned beef with potatoes but for sandwiches, I wasn’t sure. Before, I’ve always canned it all in pints but I’m always nervous about not having enough in a jar for what we want to use it for. I went ahead and put it all in pints. Today I brought two pints upstairs . . just in case.

I packed that meat in there so tight! The liquid cooks out and the meat shrinks down and it ends up being about half a pint but it was plenty for 1-1/2 sandwiches for Vince and one sandwich for me. It is great to have corned beef again.
I’m making a list and as soon as it gets cooler, there are a lot of things I want to can and more corned beef is definitely at the top of that list.
nalaxu says
I am so glad I canned corned beef. I used pints too and this is what we had for dinner last night. So very good. My husband doesn’t like a lot of meat on his sandwiches, so we get three sandwiches out of a pint.