This tomato has been huge for weeks. Thank goodness it was pretty high up on the vine because the groundhog has been enjoying all the lower tomatoes. I’ve kept watching this big one – mainly because I wanted to weigh it before something happened to it.

That’s the biggest tomato I’ve ever grown and I’ve been growing tomatoes for a lot of years! I think the largest one I had grown before this was about 13 ounces.

This one is 1 pound, .3 oz.
I stuck in a window that gets filtered sunlight. I’ve had quite a few medium size tomatoes sitting there and they’ve ripened nicely so I’m hoping this one will too. I’ve had good luck sticking them in a brown paper bag with an apple in a dark spot too but I like watching this one so for now, it’s sitting in the window.
It’s a Cherokee Purple so it should turn a deep reddish burgundy. There are three more almost as big as this one that are still on the vines. I’ll leave them out there til they get ripe and hope nothing gets them.
We’re getting cucumbers, which I rarely manage to grow successfully, eggplant and lots of peppers. I keep doodling around in the potatoes and though there are some large potatoes, there are still many small ones.
The squash bugs may be winning the battle. Last year I didn’t even try to grow squash. I like squash plain yellow and zucchini aren’t my favorites. This year I really want butternut, candy roasters and Thelma Sanders squash. I’ve replanted some of the seeds. There should be enough time that they will have time to produce . . I hope.
Stephani in N. TX says
My dad had apartment gardens in the Northeast, growing vegies early in the year in little cups and then into pots. He always picked his tomatoes in the somewhat unripe stage and let them ripen on the windowsill.Worked for him and he was very fussy about his Greek salad every night. Good luck with yours. That’s some tomato! Wish you luck with the hard squash as well. Keep us informed, you might develop quite a following.