This little dog has grown into an older adolescent and he isn’t nearly so destructive. If I’m on the sofa stitching or knitting, some part of his sweet little body is touching me. Vince comes downstairs to sit and he will go sit with Vince til it gets late enough that Oscar is getting tired and then he’ll come back and sit with me.

He’s now 18 months old and he will still have the crazy running and jumping and biting fit at least once a day, usually first time in the morning. It’s pretty unbelievable (in a great way) how much he has calmed down. He will still shred any paper, paper towel, towel paper or sock he can find. He can find a skein of floss or a ball of yarn from across the county! Part of that dachshund bad boy may never go away but . . there was a time when I wasn’t 100% sure we were going to be able to keep him. I knew I would never give him up but I kept thinking . . we cannot handle a dog this wild. I’m confident he’s our forever dog and probably our last dog . . you never know – another dachshund may show up on our doorstep. He’s a jewel and I love him so much.
Ginny says
He is so darn cute. I am sure he will continue to settle down. says
He really is cute . . if I do say so myself! 🙂
Cilla says
I have 1 that is 8 and he will shred paper or cardboard. Oh, when he was a baby he kept stealing my right outdoor Croc. Never the left. He removed the strap and put a few holes in the toe area with many toothmarks all over it. I cannot toss those grungy Crocs. I wear them in the garden and outdoor work. I smile when I put them on and again when I remove them. Unlike his sister who chewed a baseboard and a cabinet bottom. NOT so smiling when I looked at those!!! Little imps. Good thing they are cute. says
Ahh, that’s so sweet. I have a pair of garden Crocs that Oscar chewed one part of the left shoe. Every time I look at it, I smile. We love those little rascals, don’t we?
Karen says
It doesn’t take long for them to worm their way into our hearts.