Earlier I said I was making Brunswick Stew today. I knew I had everything I needed but when I was getting everything out yesterday, I looked at the potatoes I had in the pantry and they didn’t look too good so I went out to the potato bags and dug around.

The potatoes need another month in the ground but it was fine to pull a few to use for dinner. I sure hope we end up with bunches of these.

You can see where the skin has been scraped on this purple potato, the potato itself is totally purple. I’m anxious to see they cook up . . if they stay purple.
I’m canning the Brunswick Stew and it will be interesting to see purple potatoes in the jars . . if they stay purple.
Joyce says
I think purple potatoes stay purple. As soon as the green beans were ready in the garden, my Grandma would be out there digging for new potatoes to cook with the beans. She would always say that digging a few wouldn’t hurt! I’m not a huge fan of green beans, but that’s how they were best.
Deb E says
I always SO enjoy reading your blog posts! I didn’t even know there were purple potatoes, so I can’t wait to find out if they are different inside or look different in the mason jars. We nearly have the back yard fully landscaped (just have to get a 12×12 area covered with blocks we’ve had stacked for months and a walkway from there to our patio – and put a cover over it. Out front we’ll be putting up a frame work with 4 posts on each side (12’wide by 24’long) and 4×4’s on top all around right in front of the house – that will have shade cloth installed to keep the sun off the west side of our house and be removed and put away in late Sept so we can enjoy the heat from the sun. It will also provide an area for some chairs and maybe a small outside table. We will have some solar lights installed in the front posts so it looks more like a patio area, even though its uncovered in winter. It will also provide interest for our front yard as we’ve built 4 brick planters & put in red/purple fountain grass and an oval 6′ x 14′ ish stone planter in the center of the yard with a crepe myrtle tree planted in the center. Can’t plant any more in that planter till later in September – its way too hot here. Oh, and another 10 or so yards of rock in the front. Grand total in rock will be about 46 yards – and ALL except for 5 yards has been emptied from the front driveway (deliveries), shoveled up by us and transported to front and back yards by wagons and wheelbarrows. Not an inch of grass anywhere — thankfully we aren’t slaves to the lawnmower anymore. Ought to make the dictator who runs this state happy – he is writing edicts right and left about what we all have to do & not do….and none of it is being put up for a vote by the cititzens….who are his BOSS, contrary to what he thinks.
Emma says
I’m behind catching up on blog posts, but the purple potatoes will stay purple if roasted but not if boiled. The water breaks down the purple color, making them grayish.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
Thank you! These were going into a soup that was pressure canned so I’m expecting them to be white but I will try roasting some of them. I’m trying to leave them alone and stop robbing the plants before it’s time to harvest them all. 🙂