It’s hard to believe it was over six months ago that I wrote this post outlining the changes I planned to Three Things Sampler. I’m still not sure what I’m going to do. Every time I look at the finished projects on Instagram, I want to make it as it’s charted but then when I look at it on the chart, it looks so crowded. I have enough fabric to stitch everything but I guess I’m going to just keep thinking about til I have to make a decision.
One thing I did change . . this was the first time I had used safety pins to pin linen to the canvas strip/leader.

It was hard to get and keep the linen really tight, and when I unrolled the piece all the way to the bottom to measure the linen again, the pins were making lumps that poofed out in the linen four or five inches up from the bottom. I figured once I started rolling the top up, it would do the same thing.

I took it all off the rollers, sewed scrap fabric to the leaders, machine basted the linen to the fabric . . much, much better. Now, hopefully I can get back to stitching. Today I hope to finish the outline of the two top borders and go about halfway down with the side borders. I want to finish the two alphabet rows and then it may be time to make a decision about what I’m going to include and what I’m going to leave out.