My main goal for yesterday was to get mango salsa made and canned so I got started on that right away. I had planned to use half pint jars but then decided to use quarter pint jars since that should give us enough for one taco meal with no leftovers. When we have tacos, Vince usually eats two and I eat one. I make a big salad to go along with it – not always a taco salad but always some kind of salad and use the dressing I make with fiesta ranch dressing packet mixed with sour cream or yogurt.

One batch of the mango salsa recipe from one of the Ball canning books made 24 quarter pints and 2 half pints.

Not only is this a pretty product but it’s so good. Again, I was hoping one jar wouldn’t seal but they all did. It seems wrong to can it one day and open it the next and use it. If I had kept a container out and not canned it, then at least one jar would not have sealed and I’d have two jars to use.
We don’t eat tacos once a week, probably about once every two weeks so if we stick to that schedule, that’s a year’s worth of mango salsa.