I may have a bit of a love affair with cast iron cookware and while I wouldn’t recommend it for being the only cookware used on a glass top stove, I did use it on glass top stoves and never ruined any of them. Some manufacturers do, or at least did, recommend against using it on glass top stoves. But, what you can use in most oven, other than a microwave, would be cast iron bread pans.
This morning I made three pans of Japanese Milk Bread and this is what the pans looked like when I moved the bread.

They all three look the same (even though the one on the left looks darker – two are under the stove vent light and the far left one is kinda in the dark). The bread just came out of the pans. I didn’t wipe the pans with a towel or paper towel – that’s how clean they are after the bread comes out. No sticking, no running a spatula or knife around the edges, I just flip the pans upside down and the bread falls out.
I’ve had these pans three or four years. I’ve used glass pans, non-stick ceramic pans, USA pans and, in my opinion, the cast iron pans are my favorites by far.
If I use these pans for anything other than bread, I will like them with parchment paper.
As soon as they’re cool enough to handle, I stack them and stick them in the oven where they stay til I need them again. I don’t use the oven that’s with the stove much so they usually sit in the oven til I need them again.
Sara Fridley says
Properly seasoned cast iron is amazing. I learned to cook with cast iron, and have always liked using it. But due to glass cook tops and arthritic hands I’ve given most of my cast iron to my daughter and her husband. They use it daily. I’ve kept my small skillet because it’s perfect for frying eggs or grilled cheese – and it’s not too heavy for my hands.
Sharon Reese says
Do you grease your pans before baking your bread?
judy.blog@gmail.com says
I do grease it before using it for bread. I season and grease my cast iron with grapeseed oil. Most everyone has their favorite oils and there’s a big variety of what people use so I’m not saying grapeseed is the best – it’s just what I like.