Last night I was stitching and watching Brenda and Laura’s latest video on youtube. Vince had been upstairs and he came down and was going to watch a race but he said he would wait til the youtube video was over. I was going to turn it off because I stay up late and can watch it after Vince goes to bed.
We have an ongoing . . I was going to say joke but I don’t think Vince thinks it’s too funny so let’s say it’s an ongoing “discussion” about my scissor obsession.

I was going to say . . how’s that for killing two birds with one stone but the birds may not appreciate that saying. There’s my progress on Noble Birdseed Banquet as of last night. But .. the scissors. I have this little block full of scissors sitting on the mantle downstairs. Every time Vince looks up there, he says “Tell me again why someone would need so many scissors!” I want to say “Do you want to see the rest of them?” but I know better than to say that.
The other day Vince had something with one of those thick plastic tags . . kinda like a zip tie. He said “Can you get me a pair of scissors?” I looked at what he had to cut and I said “I don’t have any scissors down here for that.” Just when I thought I had trained him to never touch my scissors, he looked up at all these scissors and said “You have ALL THOSE scissors and you can’t use ONE PAIR of them to cut this?” Nope . . cannot!
But . . the video . . just when Vince sat down and started paying attention to the video, Laura was talking about a new friend (about the 43:00 point I think) and Laura was telling Brenda all about this lady and then Laura said “But get this . . she only has ONE pair of scissors.” Brenda laughed and said “WHAATTT?” I cackled and then thought . . I should have acted like I didn’t even hear it and maybe Vince didn’t notice . Too late . . he heard it. He said “Y’all are not right! None of you!”
What were the chances they would have that discussion just as Vince walked into the room or . . I guess I should say that Vince would walk in just as they’re talking about scissors? I thought it was really funny.
Pat/SC says
And how many pliers does he have……
RuthW in MD says
WAIT!! How many DRILL BITS does he have? My husband has 3 large sets.
TuNa Quilts says
And hammers!! They must be hiding all over the place! My husband must have over 50. says
Yes! And screwdrivers and yet, I ask for a screwdriver and he has to find one which means I usually grab a butter knife and use that because he can’t find a screwdriver. At least my small scissors are either in the drawer by my chair or in the wooden block. My big sewing scissors (and yes, there are multiples of those too) are in the drawer of my cutting table. Even Addie knows not to touch those!
Jean B in PA says
While I do have several pairs of scissors for embroidery, I also do card making so I have papercrafting scissors and as a former homeschooler I have multiple pairs of regular old scissors, and then there are the sewing scissors and pinking shears and Cutco kitchen scissors that will cut through a penny. And pinking shears. And as a grandma I have safety scissors. My hubby never complains about my stuff – he collects stuff too.
Carolyn says
Wait a minute…. the man with sheds and garages full of stuff he DOESN’T use thinks you have a problem because you have multiple pairs of scissors that you DO use? Which one of you has the problem here? It’s not you, my friend!!! ???
Carolyn says
Those question marks were supposed to be laughing faces, guess they didn’t come through that way! says
I agree but I’m betting all Vince’s men friends think like he thinks like he thinks – scissors are for cutting . . whatever needs to be cut – wire, thread, weeds, tape . . men! 🙂
Stephanie says
Too funny! They know not to touch my cross stitch scissors but for the life I me I can not seem to train them that my kitchen shears are for Food! lol.
Janet Orr says
I purchased a very expensive pair of Cohana scissors while I was at The Attic on a visit to Arizona. Did I need them? Nope but I was finally getting payback for when my husband years ago used my embroidery scissors to…drumroll please….castrate baby pigs! Yup! You heard me! I told him then I was going to buy a new expensive pair of scissors – took me probably 20 years but I finally did it!!!
DebMac says
Janet you need more than one pair of Cohana scissors for that one! My husband said he couldn’t believe it either. “Why, he can’t remember a time he ever used my embroidery scissors without permission.” Which is true. He doesn’t look in my purse either without permission and I reciprocate. says
Oh, my goodness! I’m not even going to say what I’m thinking! 🙂
Christine says
I call myself a scissors slut because I never met a pair of scissors I didn’t want to take home! says
I’m with you, Christina. It doesn’t matter if they’re dirt cheap or expensive . . if they’re cute, I want them!