This morning I woke up with a headache. I went to bed with a headache too! But, I got up, took the dogs out, wrote a blog post, watered the garden, then decided I was going back to bed. Little Oscar is just a bundle of energy in the morning but he LOVE to sleep in the big bed.
Our only TV is in the basement family room. Oscar’s crate is in the basement family room. On the days I decide to take a nap, I either have to put Oscar in the crate and he isn’t quiet and if Vince is trying to watch TV, that’s not good. Or, Vince has to be responsible for Oscar and Vince doesn’t understand that he has to keep on eye on the TV and one eye on Oscar every single instant!
Because Oscar loves to take a nap with me, I can say “Bed?” and he runs to the bedroom. He will go right to sleep, no matter how energetic he is.
This morning, when I decided to go back to bed, Vince was out working and I hated to stick Oscar back in the crate so I put him in the bed. I took more aspirins and went to sleep. I woke up and Oscar was right next to me. He had his back up against my back. I got up and never moved so I grabbed the camera, took a picture and still had to wake him up.

He’s so cute all the time but even cuter when he’s sleeping! Look at his little mouth. It looks like he’s smiling. As wild and crazy and difficult as he is, I love him so much. I was not worried but a bit concerned that when I got a dachshund, I’d never love him like I did Speck. Even as we were going to pick him up, I kept wondering if I’d ever feel about him like I did about Speck. I no longer have that concern. Speck was much easier to deal with. Speck wasn’t so bull headed and determined. Speck wasn’t afraid of his own shadow. They have a lot of similarities but they’re so different. I don’t even know now to measure love and I don’t think I loved one more than the other but I don’t think either dog did or will lack for love.
JanetB says
I have a pug. She’s my third. She is not at all like the other two. The other two pugs were very food driven. If you dropped a crumb on the floor, it was gone. When the food bowl was filled, they gobbled it down. Ginny grazes. She’s so picky about food. One day, she will eat blueberries like there’s no tomorrow and the next, she’ll turn her nose up at them. When the second pug died, I cried for a week. I didn’t think I could love another dog like I loved her. Ginny has worked her way into my heart. Since my husband passed last July, she has become my new best buddy.
Christina says
Oh how cosy Oscar looks, I bet he would like to always sleep in the big bed!? Not sure if Vince would be too happy though. I just hate waking up with an headache, its a killer. I know now to to get a pint of water down me as its usually dehydration, worse in this heatwave.
Must be hard not to cuddle that gorgeous 4 legged boy. says
I have to make a choice . . cuddle with the dog or cuddle with the husband so, at least for now, the husband wins. 🙂
I never think to drink more water with a headache. I’ll have to remember that. Thanks!