Yesterday I was grabbing a couple of sweet potatoes from the cabinet to cook and there was another one sprouting. I could have still used it or I could have found a place to plant it but my garden area is pretty full. Vince had been mulching leaves all day and filling the new planters with them. I’ve been throwing some veggie scraps in there. The leaves had filled the planters way more than we’ll fill it with dirt but that will all compost down to almost nothing but, in the meantime . . I had a sweet potato that could be planted.

I scooped out a little hole in the leaves, buried the whole sweet potato, covered it, watered it and we’ll see what happens. I hope it fills that entire container with sweet potatoes. Sometime towards the end of September, we’ll have a sweet potato reveal! 🙂
We love sweet potatoes and my goal is to grow enough to last us til next year’s crop is ready. That’s a lofty goal and I’ll probably not be able to do it but I can try.
montanaclarks says
I grew up on an Arkansas farm belonging to my grandfather who grew massive amounts of sweet potatoes and watermelons. The community either came to the house to purchase some of Mr. Id’s potatoes or watermelons or they bought the produce when grandpa took a truck full to town. We always had sweet potatoes stored in a old dirt floored, heated drying house which I hated to go in–dark, spiders, smelled funny!! You brought back memories this morning.
vivoaks says
I love sweet potatoes, too! Hubby doesn’t… Let’s face it – hubby doesn’t like most vegetables, so it doesn’t matter what I plant – he won’t eat it. I’m growing regular white potatoes this summer because I know the deer will leave them alone. Keeping my fingers crossed!! 🙂