It all started a week or so ago when a blog reader, Dot, asked me some questions about a kit I had purchased that had Ginnie Thompson Flower floss. Dot had used Danish flower floss on projects in the past and she went on to tell me about a kit she had purchased through Women’s Day magazine in the mid-60’s. She sent me a link to a used kit on ebay and I was immediately in love with it. It arrived today and I want to drop everything and start stitching it.

The chart is HUGE! I copied it in sections and it took 9 sheets of paper to get it all. There’s a good bit of overlapping but I couldn’t divide it into quarters and get it all copied.

I’m lucky that all the leftover floss is there because I may have to create a conversion either from DMC or overdyes. Ginnie Thompson Flower Floss has a conversion from the old Danish Flower floss to the Ginnie Thompson floss but there are four colors missing. I’ve written them to see what they recommend but I don’t want to mix DMC or overdyes with flower floss so I’ll wait until I hear from them before thinking about that too much.
On the first picture, you can see the music to a Scandinavian folk song, “I Will Build Myself a Farm”. I’ve tried to find it on the internet and haven’t been able to and don’t want to copy the words and violate any copyrights but this is the perfect chart for how I would love to live my life – on a farm with cows and horses and chickens and pigs! Not happening so the best I can do is stitch this chart and look at it every day.
Marilyn Smith says
Judy, take it with you on a trip to town and take it to a copy place (Staples, FedEx, Office Max etc.) and they should be able to copy it perfectly for you. Call or search some of these type stores in your area to find out where you can go. says
There are plenty of places that can copy it but I need it to be on regular 8.5″ x 11″ paper to fit on my magnetic stand so it’s fine to copy it at home.
Dorothy says
I stitched and have some flower threads if I can find them
Elaine says
~Try Joran Elane songs Judy – has some noted
Mary says
I stitched this pattern forty years ago. It was fun to use the Danish flower thread. The colors are more subtle than DMC floss. I learned to cross stitch from Ginnie Thompson, and still enjoy stitching. says
Nice! That’s so interesting!
Dot says
About the song: I did a Google search on the Danish title of the song, “Jeg En Gaard Mig Bygge Wil”, which was included in the long-ago Woman’s Day article, and which I wrote down on my copy of the pattern. I found a recording on YouTube and other sites with the Danish lyrics. Here’s the YouTube link: says
Thanks! I’ll go listen to it!
Sheryl says
…I love it!