It’s a bit after noon and I still haven’t stitched. My plan was to be stitching by 9 a.m. Part of my Azure order yesterday was 25 pounds of carrots. I got a bit over half of those scraped and chopped and in the freeze dryer. The ones I chopped today, and I use the little chopper that you mash the lid down and they come out in little squares . . I used the larger grid and that’s the carrots I’ll use for soups, stews, etc. When this batch is done, I’ll chop the rest of them and freeze dry those for carrot muffins.
Wednesday another neighbor (not the one who gave us the planters or the one who helped move them to the driveway) came over and said he had forks and thought his tractor would pick them up. We were going to be gone yesterday so he came this morning and got that accomplished.

Look at the horseradish in the bed closest to the camera. It’s so pretty!
I wish I could get those planters filled and ready to plant but it’s going to have to wait I’m afraid. Vince said he would shred a bunch of leaves for me but he’s been working hard since daylight so I’m not even going to ask him today. He can probably fill one of them up with leaves. They will degrade down to not much but it’s a start. I will throw vegetable and fruit scraps in there with the leaves and then once the garden soil is on sale closer to the end of the season, Vince will buy enough to where I should be able to plant some fall veggies (cabbage, chard, spinach, etc.) in at least one of them.
I knew Oscar wasn’t going to be happy with something new in his area. He didn’t panic like I thought he would. He was more interested in Vince cutting the grass.

I love his coloring. I love everything about him but I really love those spots on his back. He’s so sweet . . when he’s not being a devil dog. 🙂
Elizabeth says
As with the way they are now saying to fill raised beds you start with branches and sawdust a
Then cardboard and your soil only in the top quarter less soil and everything down lower breaks down over time might help you get them filled quicker one I read said to use rotten wood you know that garbage stuff that is already breaking down maybe chad can source some for you if Vince can’t good luck