Yesterday I didn’t have a lot of stitching time but stayed up til the wee hours stitching. I wanted to work my way towards the birds as quickly as possible so I deviated a bit from my preferred method of stitching the whole border first. I started at the top middle and stitched a few strands of floss, then stitched the center star and started the next star to use up the rest of the purple floss. Then I moved down to the crown and almost got that finished.
This is Noble Birdseed Banquet by Artful Offerings. The linen is 36 count Legacy by Picture This Plus. I’m using mostly called for DMC with a change or two. First, the called for floss for the border wasn’t showing up so I switched to a darker green which is “something” Wilderness by Victorian Motto. The hole for the floss ring got punched right through the name. For the crown, the overdyed called for is Garden Gate by The Gentle Art and that’s what I’m using. The DMC conversion wasn’t so close – more green than gray. In fact, the DMC was more like the green in the border.

My plan for today is to finish the crown, stitch the heart beneath the crown, then get started on one of the birds.
I’m still somewhat optimistic I can finish this in five days . . but realistically, I’ll be doing good to get the two birds and feeder stitched by the end of June 5. Whatever I get stitched, I’ll be happy with it.
Angie says
Looking good. You and Jo have inspired me to try cross stitch again. My eyesight is not good for the tiny holes even with readers. I finished the stitch to itch piece and have ordered snip snip. I also found a couple of sewing theme charts given by HGTV. But Mose of all, it got me wanting to finish a piece I started in probably 1990. I’ve got the borders done and top 1/4th. I had to enlarge pattern and make sure I had the threads. I lost the tags with numbers, so that was a challenge but got it done. Thanks for the inspiration. Have a great day says
When I’m stitching on 40 and above, sometimes 36, I have to use a mangifying lamp. Readers won’t do it for me either.
Glad you’re back to cross stitching and hope you enjoy it.