I watch a lot of flosstubes. Some check in once every two weeks, some once a month. So many of those folks totally amaze me with what they get accomplished. I am not doing a flosstube but I have to laugh thinking about what I would say . . “In the last two weeks, I made 10 stitches!”
Yesterday morning I got up early. The first thing I thought about was stitching. I knew I had things to do before I started stitching so I went about getting those things done. Oscar was awake shortly after I got up so we went for a walk and managed to stay busy the rest of the day doing everything except stitching. It was 8:30 last night before I started stitching. One thing happened, then something else, then something else and that’s how my days seem to go.

I did make a little progress on the red flower. I need to focus and not chase squirrels all day (like a new cake pan that caused me to stop and make a cake, and three little cakes to use the rest of the batter, then run all over the neighborhood passing out cakes).
Anyway, I would love to finish off that flower and that top left section today. We’ll see. There’s a chance of rain so that means my time outside playing fetch with Oscar will be limited and I shouldn’t have to water tonight so that will help!