I’m in the Scattered Seed Sampler 2023 Fancy Feathers Pinkeep Club. I wasn’t going to join. I’m trying to save money. I’m trying not to add to the stash so, really . . I wasn’t going to do it.

I saw it when it was first available to purchase and I convinced myself that I didn’t need it, wasn’t going to feel bad if I didn’t get it, then the day before the first kits were mailed, I caved and ordered it.
The first kit is “Forget-Me-Not” Pinkeep and I love it.
My current project, of course, is Winter Rose Manor, and . . you know I seem to have no grasp of reality when it comes to time, but I keep thinking . . what if all I do is stitch . . can I finish Winter Rose Manor by the end of March? Definitely not, but that’s my goal. There’s always the end of April! 🙂
Having said that, I’m also going to try to stitch Forget-Me-Not Pinkeep . . maybe not finish it (ok, definitely not finish it), but at least start it and make some reasonable progress.
justquiltin says
This is a fun stitch. I think I should be able to finish mine tonight.
Cindy F says
Well I didn’t buy this year’s plan but I did go purchase two of the pinkeep patterns from previous years….lol. I picked up Spring Messenger after saying I wasn’t going to do this one. Then I added Gathering Together because you can’t just order one thing! While stitching last night I was thinking about not having any finishes this month and needing more smalls. Of course I did get notification on Thursday that my Market orders from Colorado Crossstitcher was on it’s way and now that I think about it, there are a couple of smalls in it. lol Oh well, more smalls means more finishes! 😀
judy.blog@gmail.com says
That’s how I’m looking at it this year.
Pat Anderson says
Love that pin keep, Judy! I’ll be looking for that pattern next year! I do love the bird patterns…