Last year, or whenever it was, that we added the stove in the basement garage, I moved the Bosch mixer and the wheat grinder downstairs. I mostly only use the Bosch mixer for bread so I figured the best place for it was downstairs but, without water in there, I bring everything upstairs to wash it, then back downstairs and then have to bring a container of hot soapy water downstairs to clean up the mess and when kneading bread, there is often a mess. If I’m canning too, there are usually lots of jars sitting on the small amount of counter space downstairs. I have a food processor that grates cheese. I have a hand crank gizmo that grates a lot of cheese quickly but the Bosch mixer grating/slicing attachment does the best job of grating lots of cheese quickly.
Most of my appliance type gadgets are on shelves in the sunroom but the sun is so bright in there and the Bosch mixer is mostly plastic so I don’t want it to be in there. So . . that leaves only the kitchen. My preference is to have nothing out on the counters but with all the things we do around here, the kitchen is the hub of activities and there’s just going to have to be things on my counters.
I have about 20 pounds of cheese to grate so I can freeze dry it so I figured moving the Bosch back upstairs was a good idea. Yesterday I moved the mixer and the grain mill back upstairs.

You would think I could have taken a picture before I made a mess but I didn’t! This was during the lasagna making and I needed to grate parmesan and mozzarella cheese. The gray plastic bowl is part of the grater/slicer gadget.
I’m happy to have it back upstairs and I’m sure I’ll use it more now. I’ll just have to get over it all taking up so much room on the counter.