I fear I’m becoming a lazy cook. There are leftovers, a trip to the food truck,

I don’t know if you can even read it but yesterday we had chicken sandwiches with fresh sprouts. I don’t know why I had stopped making sprouts but I have plenty going now.
Monday we’re having the tortellini casserole from Mandy in the Making.
Tuesday is leftovers from another of her recipes we had over the weekend. It had chicken, carrots, spinach and dressing mix so I can add a salad and rolls and have a good, quick meal.
Wednesday is leftovers of the tortellini casserole.
Thursday is the food truck.
Friday is fried fish, crab cakes, garlic bread and baked potatoes.
Saturday is red beans, sausage, rice, colelsaw and cornbread!
Susan says
That doesn’t sound lazy. A lot of work went into canning some of that, for instance, and you are still cooking.