He’s a dachshund. He tries hard to be sweet but it’s so easy for him to be a rascal.
This morning he had food in his little toy. Vince walked by him and Oscar thought he got a little too close!

He didn’t try to bite, nor did he growl but he has that look on his face . . come closer and you’ll lose a finger. That look on Oscar’s face!
I had the camera ready because I was going to make a video of how funny Oscar knocking that thing around to get the food out.
I told Vince . . walk away and leave him alone.
Addie knows to never try to take a toy from Oscar or get too close if he’s eating. I never feed him when they’re here. I don’t think he would bite but I also don’t want to take any chances.
Sandi B says
I so enjoy the antics of Oscar! Thank you for sharing his exp,outstanding. 🙂
Sandi B says
I don’t know what happened with that last word. It’s supposed to be exploits.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
That may be a better word for describing Oscar’s activities than exploits. 🙂
Sandi B says
True story!!!