February 1 already. It’s hard to believe January has come and gone. Time surely passes quickly these days.
We’ve had such cold, gray weather for the past three or four days. Today is the third day the schools have been closed and yet just 45 minutes north of us, where Chad is, they had no ice at all. The same distance south of us, down into Arkansas has been worse. This has definitely been hibernation weather.
This morning when I got up, it wasn’t quite daylight but I was sitting and stitching and before long, I heard some noisy little birds around the back patio where we have a feeder. It’s been a while since the birds made enough noise that I noticed how loud they can be. When I looked up, I was surprised to see brilliant sunshine beginning to pour in through the windows.

Vince always tells me that when he lived in Ohio, where winter days were gray for so much of the time, that he really missed sunshine. I wouldn’t say the last few days without sunshine were hard for me because I do love winter and I even love gray or dark and stormy days because that’s a good excuse to stay home, stay inside and do the things I love to do – stitch, knit, cook. Especially in spring and summer, it’s so hard for me to be inside but this morning I did welcome the sunshine and after seeing it, realized I missed it after having not seen it for a few days.
It’s warming up too. It was 13 degrees when I got up and it’s already 20 degrees. I wish the greenhouse was here and had shelves and was ready to use. I might find myself out there starting seeds today. The hangup right now is getting the dirt guy out here. His trackhoe or whatever it is that he uses in tight spaces is waiting for a part and I doubt our little bit of work is at the top of his list so . . we wait.
It’s suppose to get up to 33 today, 45 tomorrow and 54 on Saturday. I know . . it’s too early to be celebrating the arrival of spring and worse, I know what comes after spring and that one is not my favorite time of year. Every time I see a “We love Summer” or a “Welcome Summer” cross stitch chart, I think . . It would be very dishonest for me to stitch something like that! 🙂
Looking way ahead, the long term forecast shows a 75 degree high on April 29. At that point, it won’t be long until I’ll be wishing for a snow day again.
Nelle Coursey says
We don’t have snow, we have had ice since Monday. It is so bad most all the businesses are closed through tomorrow. Temp is in the 20’s!
judy.blog@gmail.com says
I’ve been watching all the closings. I haven’t heard of power being out in your area so that’s good.
Susan says
All my friends in Texas are lamenting the sudden drop from the 80s down to the 30s! I’m happy not to be on either extreme end. It’s funny you mentioned the birds. I was sewing near the front window this morning and suddenly a murder of crows flew cawing and screaming into the tree in my front yard, carrying on like a crow party, I guess!
judy.blog@gmail.com says
They can be so noisy. We have Canadian geese that fly over almost all day. They must be landing and taking off from a nearby pond. Oscar always stops to watch them. He used to think he could catch them so I’m glad he seems to have given up on that idea. But, they are quite noisy, especially when they’re so low. We have a lot of crows around here too.
patty says
I live in NE Ohio and that nasty ice missed us. We only got a light dusting of snow on Monday. It has been sunny Tuesday and Wednesday, and it is sunny again today. The temps have been in the teens and twenties, but with the sun it doesn’t seem so bad.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
Great! The ice is so damaging and dangerous. Vince wheeled a load of straw into the downstairs garage and we were able to spread it across the back porch so we could get out with the dogs. I so wish there was at least a path across the back porch that had heat strips inside the concrete so we didn’t have to deal with the ice back there.