When I canned meatballs last week, it was a different recipe . . especially considering that I never follow a recipe exactly, but, before I made more, I wanted to make sure Vince liked them. Today’s meal was meatballs, gravy, mashed potatoes, peas and salad.

There were 10 little meatballs in most of the jars. I think I canned 9 pints and two jars ended up with 11 meatballs just to use them all. This was one of the 10 meatball jars and it was plenty for the two of us.

I rehydrated a few of the freeze dried mushroom, sauteed those in butter, then added flour to make a bit of a roux, poured in the liquid from the jars (beef broth, seasonings and water) to finish the gravy.

It was delicious and Vince approved so I’ve taken more ground beef out of the freezer and left it in the fridge to defrost. Probably by Tuesday or Wednesday it will be defrosted enough to make more meatballs. That meal was fast to get on the table and Vince approved. What more could I ask for? 🙂
Susan Larson says
Looks delicious. I think I am coming to live at your house!
judy.blog@gmail.com says
We need a little commune of quilters, cross stitchers, knitters – I’ll do the cooking if someone else will do the cleaning! 🙂
Sandi B says
I`m in! I’ll clean!!
judy.blog@gmail.com says
Start packing and y’all come move in! 🙂