Not only do I love having food in jars that we can just heat and eat, but I love the process of canning. If I had the jars and the room to store the jars, I would can every day. With my foot issues, I don’t ever can more often that every other day and it’s better if I do it every three or four days but, often, there’s nothing to can. Right now I’m trying to empty out a freezer so yesterday I canned 8 pints of meatballs and 6 pints of chili.

I used 7 pounds of ground beef.
I don’t think a pint of chili would be enough for a meal for the two of us but one of my favorite ways to use chili is to put it on top of baked potatoes with sour cream, grated cheese and jalapeno peppers. A pint is plenty for that. I can make chili mac & cheese, serve it over burritos or it can be a meal for one of us if the other is gone or wanting something different. It’s ready to heat and serve.
The meatballs have the mushroom powder and they will be used for stroganoff or meatballs and gravy over rice.
I took 7 more pounds of ground beef out of the freezer this afternoon and stuck it in the fridge to defrost. I doubt it will be defrosted tomorrow but Saturday I’ll make Sloppy Joe mix for canning. I still need to get butternut squash canned so I’ll have to do that probably Monday or Tuesday.