You all probably know Marcia from Quilters’ Cache. She’s been a part of my world for so very many years, though I never really got to know her until a few years ago, I’ve known her quilting website forever. Earlier this week on Facebook she posted a recipe for Baked Onion and Garlic Chicken Wings. When we were at Aldi over the weekend, they had chicken wings on sale and I picked up a package and they were in the fridge. Perfect.
Way early this afternoon I mixed up the wings, exactly according to the recipe. Upstairs was so cold that when I went up there that I was looking for a window or door open. Nope. Vince said it had been cold up there all day. The downstairs was comfy but since it was so cold upstairs, I stuck the seasoned, ready to bake wings in the oven, knowing they would stay cool enough til time to bake, and I went back downstairs.
I was able to turn the oven on with the app. Vince was sitting upstairs and he said he heard something in the kitchen come on but didn’t think much about it, then he started smelling garlic baking. He said “You need more stress in your life. You have it too easy!” No!!

I could watch their progress from the camera.
This is the week we’re eating from the freezer or from jars. We do that at least once a month, sometimes every third week so not much cooking going on this week. I opened a jar of split pea soup and we had that with wings for dinner.

Vince likes the little drum parts of the wings and I like the little wing part so we’re both happy with chicken wings!
Susan says
Soup looks great, too. I like to get the boneless, skinless thighs when they are on sale, and they are useful for so many dishes. Not that I can stand in the kitchen to cook for very long, but I did make a good soup and a good salad last week. =) says
I could live on soup and salad or soup and sandwiches.
Paula Nordt says
We had Sopa de Fideo, which is pretty much tomato soup with pasta. And grilled cheese sandwiches. Sure hit the spot on this very windy, cold, and stormy day. says
Sounds delicious!
Teri says
The recipe sounds good….We call the parts of the of the chicken wings the leg and the our house we both like the flats….so I buy the whole wing not cut up… says
I didn’t even know you could buy wings that are already cut up. I always have to cut them. Are they frozen or in with the refrigerated chicken??
Teri says
They are called party wings if they are already cut up….