The plan was to work on this project for 10 days. I can’t. I’m not happy with it but I’m going to finish it – just not today; not this week, and maybe not even in January.

The above photo is where I was Saturday evening. The blow photo is where I am now.

I have a good start on the deer, started the bird on his back. All the hearts are outlined except one just above the halfway point on the left and it’s only half outlined. I didn’t want to pull out the red thread for that little bit of stitching. When I come across something else that needs red thread, I’ll finish that heart.
There are issues with this project. First, I started it in December, 2020. I had just started back stitching in about November, 2020. There are so many mistakes! Don’t tell anyone but there are knots – big, fat knots where I started and ended threads. The fabric is XJu and it’s supposed to be 36 count but it’s loose and floppy. I do not like loose and floppy fabric. Since I was so new, the legs of the “x” go different ways. Some start at the bottom left; some start at the bottom right. There are even a few that cross over an extra thread. Don’t ask me how this border ever met up but it did so I’m not going to even think about it.

Today I started stitching this heart. I decided it wasn’t going to show up in the called for floss (DMC 712). I thought about using a light gray but there’s so much tan/brown, I decided not to use the gray. Then I thought maybe the 712 would show up. I stitched the area just under the “M” and it showed up ok so I kept on. No . . it doesn’t show up. No. I’m not taking it out. I just want to finish it.
So, this one is going back in the bag and I’ll work on something else for a while.
cindy says
don’t forget the V. I figure you are planning on doing it when you use that color again, but did want to mention it. says
Thanks. I probably would have forgotten it. Yes, I was waiting til I needed that color again. Probably a very bad idea.
Cindy F says
I’m all for finishing but not if it’s not bringing you joy! I was working on the Blessed stitch along piece and remembered why I set it aside. I don’t like the white thread in it and I remembered a discussion about white not being a great color to use. I did push past it since I only had the last two pumpkins and greenery around it to finish. Also…I’m with you on the not liking floppy fabric!! This was floppy and it’s making me rethink the second WIP I picked to work on….lol It’s the Be Kind Sampler from Teresa Miller I downloaded from the magazine site. Maybe I’m feeling this way because I spent so many days working on 3 Things on Aida.