I’m sure there are storebought eggs that look like this – just none that I ever get. These are the eggs from the Mennonite farmer.

He’s only getting 2-1/2 dozen eggs per week and he has a pretty large family so I have to call ahead and have him save me 5 dozen. This time we were only able to get 4 dozen. Hurry up spring!!
That photo has no editing. That’s exactly what the eggs look like. This is what the eggs looked like when we had chickens. A few times we’ve purchased storebought eggs and when I crack them and see that pale yolk, I can’t eat it. I just can’t. I can cook with those but I can’t have them for breakfast.

Whatever day it was that my foot was hurting the most, I wanted biscuits with flaky layers and knew I couldn’t stand on my foot long enough to make biscuits so this morning I made biscuits. Vince loves grits so we had grits, eggs, bacon and biscuits. Vince likes his eggs scrambled. Most of the time I prefer mine fried. Oscar and Rita get the whites. I eat only the yolks.
A reader asked about the cost of eggs at our Walmart. According to the app, here are our local prices:
Marketside Large Cage Free – $4.93/dozen
Great Value Large White Eggs – $5.22/dozen
Eggland’s Best Farm Fresh Cage Free Large Brown – $5.48/dozen
Teri says
The mennonite family has better eggs & better price too!
judy.blog@gmail.com says
Yes, but it’s at least 15 miles up there and we always seem to get something else. We also buy our beef from him and when we went in December to get eggs, we paid for the part of the cow. When we went last week to get the eggs, we bought a greenhouse. We might be better off buying eggs from the grocery store. 🙂
vivoaks says
I paid $8.89 for an 18-pack of the cheap, store brand eggs this past week. Disgusting! I used to have a farm nearby that I could buy them from, but they got rid of all but a few of their chickens because they just couldn’t sell all the eggs. They were so much better!! I keep bugging my hubby to let me have chickens, but with all the raccoons we have, they probably wouldn’t last long. Ah, to dream….
judy.blog@gmail.com says
Raccoons are definitely a problem for chickens. You would just have to build a secure coop and run that the raccoons couldn’t get over or under. We had a big problem with them in Texas but with the fence and driving spikes into the ground around the run, we were able to keep them out.
Sheryl says
..I can’t eat those eggs unless they’re baked in something. The thought of eating them fried or scrambled does not so nice things to my nausea center. I’ve always been this way…even when we had chickens. Go figure!
montanaclarks says
The eggs we get at Costco cost us $3/dozen Wednesday. The yolks are a darker yellow than the ones you get at the grocery store–not as yellow as fresh eggs but better than Walmart eggs.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
We don’t have Costco here. There’s one in Springfield but I’d rather go just about anywhere than Springfield. I just checked our Sam’s Club for egg prices and they are totally out of eggs. Crazy times.
Teri says
Ours are going for $7.00 a dozen, but that is California….that should explain the cost
judy.blog@gmail.com says
We talked to a couple in Aldi Friday who had just moved here from CA. We had an interesting conversation – us having moved here from Texas and them from CA . . why we moved, why we bought houses where we did; how we cook . . just a funny conversation from two strangers.
Arlene Trombley says
18 CT at Schnucks here in St. Louis are $ 5.39, 12 CT $3.84. I live in the suburbs so chickens in the backyard are no go.