For the first time in close to two years, we are not waiting on an appliance. They have been so slow to arrive after ordering but the delay wasn’t all due to the slow appliance delivery. We ordered everything at different times.
Not only am I happy but the appliance is happy too! 🙂

When we bought the house, the appliances were all the original appliances and still worked great except for the dishwasher. It worked but it was noisy and wasn’t so great at cleaning dishes. From the first time we talked to Jeremy about the house, we knew the electric stove would be changed out to a gas stove so the first things we ordered were the stove and dishwasher. We had intended to keep the fridge and wall oven and replace them when the stopped working but then we got concerned that if we waited, we may not be able to match the appliances and since the fridge was the largest appliance, we wanted it to match so we ordered the fridge. I think the fridge is what actually took the longest and was past the original “should arrive by” date. Not long after the fridge got here, the old wall oven needed a gasket replaced. When I used it during the summer, it really heated up the kitchen. It made no sense spending money to have repairs made to it so we ordered the new wall oven. At that point, I said “We’re done! When the microwave goes out, I’m not replace it. That spot can become a shelf for storage – cookbooks or large pots . . didn’t care what went there just so it wasn’t a microwave. I never use the microwave . . well, never is maybe not right. In almost two years, I think I’ve used it once to melt butter when all the stove burners were occupied. Vince uses the microwave once a day to heat water for his coffee. He said “We ARE having a microwave. I use it!”. In Texas we didn’t have one in the kitchen (we had it on a shelf in the laundry room) and it was inconvenient for him. So, I said “OK but I want to go ahead and order it so it matches.” Vince felt like since all he does is heat water once a day for coffee and occasionally make popcorn, we should buy a $100 microwave from Walmart when the old one went out. We had a debate about having all matching appliances and the compromise was . . if I would be happy with a vent hood other than the GE Cafe one, which is outrageously expensive, Vince would agree to a matching microwave. Deal!
The new microwave arrived today.

Here’s what it looked like with the old microwave:

The new microwave is so much smaller than the old one on the inside. I expected the new one to look much smaller in these pictures but it doesn’t. Inside . . it’s a world of difference but it doesn’t matter since all it will ever be used for is to heat one cup of water and an occasional pouch of popcorn.
I asked Vince what he thought about the new one. He said “It’s white!” It is . . these appliances are bright white and they do seem so bright but they make the kitchen look bright too.
It’s nice to be done with appliances . . at least for a while. I told Vince “We may never need to buy a new appliance again” and he looked at me like . . “right!”
Cindy F says
Yay for being “done” with appliances! We’re done too although I am pretty sure these new ones won’t last as long as appliances made 20+ years ago! says
I’m hoping for 10 years. I doubt we’ll be here that long but .. who knows.
Danielle says
Yeah, when we moved in here in June 2019, we replaced all the appliances. Have already had to replace the microwave once. I think I last just over 2 years…..At least now I know what I will NOT be replacing the fridge with whenever it goes! LOL
Susan says
I’m going through the replacement as things break. The boys got a dishwasher for me for Christmas, and it’s amazing, since it broke about 6 years ago and I never bothered to get a new one. Nice to have one again. Stove is next. Your stove and microwave look so sleek and elegant … for appliances, anyway. =) says
Nice to have a dishwasher. Glad you got that. You may remember that when we bought our house in Texas, it didn’t have a dishwasher. We had to have a cabinet guy come in and make room for it. I went for about a year that I was determined not to have one and then I caved and was so happy to get that thing.
Kathy says
My microwave bit the dust 3? years ago- I can’t remember as it has been so long. “We” decided we really didn’t “need” one. I was not very happy about it for quite a while, and I’m still hesitant to agree 🙂 that someone was right, but truly, it was really only used to make water for coffee and reheat leftovers. Did you know you can boil water on the stovetop :)? I do miss it a tiny bit at times for those leftovers- but it’s not impossible to live without one. When it costs almost as much to install as the actual price of the microwave- I can live without it, as a matter of principle. Yours really is quite beautiful, and there really is that aesthetically pleasing result when all appliances match. Kind of like a great outfit 🙂 Your kitchen wears it well! says
My refrigerator actually heats water and it comes out the door but . . I could heat about 10 gallons of water on the stove in the time it takes the fridge to heat one cup. Who ever thought the fridge heating water was a good idea?? I guess someone without a stove or a microwave.
I do feel that we don’t need a microwave but it makes Vince happy to have it so I’m not saying anything else about it.