You realize that if you have a really long dog, even though he’s short, when he stands on his back legs, he’s tall. If he stands on his back legs and jumps, he can reach things you would never think a little short dog could reach!
He managed to get a roll of paper towels that was sitting on top of a box that was on top of two more boxes! Yes, we have moving boxes full of who knows what that we use to block him from getting on the carpet when we want him off the carpet (like any time we aren’t with him because he will pull the fibers out).
Yesterday he was a monster dog. He got into everything. Vince had been out working. I was trying to do several things that required paying attention to what I was doing but all I could do was stop every 5 minutes and get Oscar to settle down. I finally put him in the crate. Vince came in and said “Why is Oscar in jail?” I told Vince that he was pretty out of control. Vince rescued him and after about 5 minutes, Vince said “What did you give him? He’s WILD!”
I never know why some days he’s so hard to control and some days, he’s so good. He eats and drinks the same thing every day. It isn’t like he gets food that would make him hyper but some days . . he is just into everything and doesn’t slow down at all. Since yesterday was one of those days, I’m hoping today he will be calm.
Ginny says
On days like that he needs more exercise. I know it is hard to take him out for additional walks but how about some time outside where he can run off his energy. He will still be a puppy until 2 to 3 years old.