Last night I had hoped to be up past midnight and get a few stitches in but I was tired and in bed before midnight. I did cut the fabric to the size I needed for the project, serged the edges and then put it aside and went to bed.
I was up and had an hour to spare before time to get things done for today.
Since this piece is relatively small, I felt like I could stitch in hand but after just a few stitches, my hand was hurting. Thankfully I had this one small roller bar and end bar set so I loaded the fabric up on the frame and it looks like that’s how I’m going to have to stitch for the foreseeable future.
I was watching Between Two WIPS’ video #6 yesterday and Kerri was talking about how she always stitched in a Q-Snap and she loved it but she switched to a lap stand and at first, all she wanted to do was go back to the Q-Snap. There was a reason why she switched and, of course, I can’t remember what it was but the more she stitched in the frame, the more she liked it and she said her stitches look better now so she’s sticking with the frame and she’s happy with it now.
I need to stick with the frame and stop trying to go back to stitching in hand.
You know what I think I dislike about stitching in the frame? When I’m stitching in hand, my hand is always in the same place. I’m not having to move the magnifying lamp around. I use a Brightech magnifying floor lamp. It’s great but it’s a monster when it comes to moving it. It seems to have a memory and wants to go back to where it was and I’m having to mess with it every time I stitch enough that my field of vision through the lamp is off and the lamp needs to be adjusted. Anyone have any suggestions?
Whatever stitching I have today will be done on Eloquent Christmas. I may stick with it til it’s done or I may go back to Live on Little. I’ll make that decision tomorrow. Probably if I’ve done enough that I can see where I could finish it within a few days, I’ll probably stick with Eloquent Christmas and get it finished.
Karen B. says
Merry Christmas Judy!
Liz says
. . Merry Christmas and enjoy your family time….