It must take a lot of energy to bark all morning and try to dig your way through gates and dry wall! That dog!
We had a delivery this morning and the guys had to come inside. I knew there would be no keeping Oscar downstairs. He’s figured out how to get out of every gate and barrier we’ve tried to use to keep him downstairs so I asked Vince to let me know they were here BEFORE they rang the doorbell so I could get Oscar into the crate.
It’s funny how dogs are so perceptive and know something is about to happen when husbands rarely can learn that. 🙂 Vince did let me know and I got Oscar in the crate but he barked non-stop for about 40 minutes. The guys were gone by 10 a.m. but let a leaf fall outside, or a board creak upstairs and he’s barking again.
I was sitting and stitching and he hopped up in my chair, crawled under the blanket and slept for about an hour. That’s a first! I would like to think he’s calming down and growing up but I think he’s totally exhausted from all the barking.
When he woke up, he popped his head out from under the blanket and was looking like “What did I just do?”
I love those times when he sits with me . . they just don’t happen enough. I also love that little “bone” on top of his head! 🙂
RuthW in MD says
That “bone” makes his nose look SOOO long! says
He does have a long nose! Here’s something I found on the internet: “Their long noses are strong and they use them to burrow, nudge their owners, open doors or move things around.”
His nose is so strong. Speck acted nothing like Oscar and don’t recall Speck ever using his nose to move things like Oscar does. He can move more with his nose than I can with my foot.
Nelle Coursey says
He is so cute!!