This morning, even though the vet said we should use the cone for 14 days, I told Vince . . if we can make it through Friday – that’s one week – I’m going to consider it good. By the end of today, I said . . if we can make it through Wednesday, I’m going to be done with the collar/cone.
Vince went to town as soon as the pet store opened at noon and got Oscar another blow up collar to protect his surgical site. I had just blown up the first one, that we put on him Friday evening and Vince said “Let him wear that one til it leaks down too much, then we’ll put the new one on.” About 4 p.m., the first one was getting flat enough that he had his front legs through it and the “collar” was again looking like a belly band so we put the new one on him. I had wrapped the air bladder in two layers of batting, hoping if he chewed into the outer covering, his teeth wouldn’t puncture the air bladder. We also had moved the bladder enough that the little valve where you blow it up was not exposed and we put tape over the hole where the valve would be exposed. He had chewed the blowup part off the first one.
Honestly, within 5 minutes of putting it on him, Vince looked over and said “He’s chewing it and he’s already torn it up!”

Friday when we dropped him off at the vet and he was so sad we were leaving him, I told Vince . . I’ll never understand how people can surrender pets to a shelter except under very dire circumstances.” When I saw that brand new collar, I told Vince . . I’m thinking this might be dire circumstances. No, we’re not giving Oscar up but he’s definitely a handful.
I was able to lap the chewed off piece of velcro over the “nub” that was left and sew it a million times. I will say these things may work for the average dog but I’m pretty disappointed in the quality of these.

Then we used extra velcro to fasten the collar to his harness so he can’t turn it around and get to the strap with his mouth. I should not use the word “can’t” where Oscar is concerned.
We’re keeping him confined to about a 4′ x 25′ area where there’s no furniture to jump on and he really can’t get to running too hard but he was chasing his bone in there and rolling over it and growling and tossing it in the air. Vince said “He surely doesn’t sound or act like a dog recovering from surgery.” I didn’t say it but I was thinking . . if neutering him calms him down . . I surely hope there’s more “calming” yet to come.
Suzanne says
You may need to sell your new design and name it after Oscar
Marie L. says
He is happy to be home.
Nelle Coursey says
LOL There is more to come!! LOL Little Oscar may not be little much longer! Enjoy it while you can!!
Tee says
Google shirt for dogs after surgery or with neutering. I don’t know if you saw it or not, but I commented a day or so ago about sewing a collar for a dog after surgery. Lots of patterns on google. Might help but looks like he can get out of everything! says
I wasn’t able to find shirts that fit dachshunds well and by the time I could get it here now, he’ll be almost done with the cone. If we can keep him wearing the colar through Friday, I’ll think we’ve done good. says
I wasn’t able to find shirts that fit dachshunds well and by the time I could get it here now, he’ll be almost done with the cone. If we can keep him wearing the colar through Friday, I’ll think we’ve done good.
Rose Heideman says
You may want your dog to wear a cone or other protection as prescribed by the Vet because if the incision doesn’t heal properly and the dog licks it, he likely will develop an infection.
montanaclarks says
Oh my goodness that little stinker!!! We were fortunate in that Emmi never destroyed anything. But when she was six months old and still peeing everywhere in my house I told Mike, “I can’t take this, I’m giving her back to the breeder!!!” I don’t think Emmi was totally trustworthy until she was about a year old!!
Cindy F says
He is definitely a handful! Sorry to say I was hoping our lab would calm down after he was neutered at 6 months but that didn’t happen. He’ll be 5 in October and he has calmed down from when he was a pup but if you compare him to other dogs I’d say he wasn’t calm! Hope the collar works through Friday!
Bonnie Patterson says
Your comments and Oscar’s shenanigans keep me chuckling. Your post is my daily mood humor. says
Oscar is a funny little guy and he’s added so much excitement to our lives.
JackiesStitches says
Our terrier is almost 6 and just starting to calm down! I think some breeds just have a super long puppy period. More like a half decade. LOL says
Well, that’s not encouraging! 🙂 At least he is starting to calm down. Surely hope Oscar’s puppy period doesn’t last that long.