I’m really not picky about my ice. If I wanted to be picky, I’d get a machine that makes Sonic ice. Wait . . I did want an ice machine like that but Vince put the kibosh on that idea.
Our new kitchen fridge, which isn’t so new any more because we had to change the filter in it yesterday . . but it makes skinny, frail little ice cubes. I’m not complaining! Really! I love the new fridge. In Texas, we had a French Door fridge with a bottom freezer and I swore that I would never have a fridge like that again . . but I do.
When we bought the fridge in Texas, we were living in a rental and had rural water that came from the lake. It was filtered and treated but it still smelled like lake water. Even Speck wouldn’t drink it so we had to give him bottled water. When we bought the fridge, because the rental didn’t have a fridge, we didn’t want ice or water on the door because we wouldn’t have used it.
Then we bought a house with a well and had excellent water but we still had the fridge without ice and water on the door. We had to open the freezer (pull out the heavy door) every time we wanted ice. It sounds petty . . I know but now that we have ice and water on the door, I’m so happy to have it. But, because the ice maker is in the door . . the fridge door . . don’t even as me how that works but it does but the ice is thin – longer, skinny cubes.
Downstairs now, I don’t have an ice maker in the fridge so I have ice trays and an ice bin that I fill. I bring filtered water down every morning in a one gallon pitcher, fill the ice trays, fill the empty Soda Stream bottles and keep the rest of the water in the fridge so I can have good water all day.

No, I do not want to go back to having to make ice in trays but I do love these thick, chunky ice cubes.
Joyce says
I have the skinny thin cubes too, but my ice dispenser has the option of “cubes” or “crushed”. I leave it set on “crushed” most of the time just because I prefer ice already crushed and in my insulated cups it doesn’t melt for a long time.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
We have the crushed option too but Vince likes cubed and I don’t really care so ours just stays on cubes.
vivoaks says
Those long skinny ice cubes might be perfect for putting in bottled water if you wanted it cold longer! I used to have a big ice cube tray that made the exactly the right size for bottles. The only problem is there’s no way to get them out!! Stupid design. I used a spoon handle and shoved them out…annoying and time-consuming. Now I just keep a jug of water in the fridge so it’s cold when I want it. 🙂
judy.blog@gmail.com says
I use the Walmart brand of insulated cups and I have a big cup of water with me all the time – in the car, in the garden, in the bedroom. One full cup of ice will last in that cup almost all day if I don’t stay outside too long. The lid comes off so it’s easy to get ice in. Of course, the big thick ice cubes last longer than the little skinny ice cubes.