Vince wanted to go to town this morning. Of course he did! 🙂 He said “We can eat breakfast out if you want to go to town!” Normally I don’t even eat breakfast so what else would he offer? He said “We can go by the grocery store and see if they have anything on sale today. Nope .. my friend in town will go and send me a text if there’s anything good! Then he said “We can run by the pallet store!” Oh, Vince .. he really knows how to make me want to dig in my heels and stay home. The sad thing is that if I said to him . . . want to go with me to town? I could say I’m going to Hobby Lobby or the yarn store or the cross stitch store (we don’t have those last two places) or I’m going to get my nails done (I don’t) . . it doesn’t matter where I say I’m going . . he would be happy to go with me. He likes to go . . I like to stay home. It’s weird because my parents used to tell me I had gasoline in my veins because I wanted to go, go, go . . never stay home. Not sure if Vince’s shopping habits or old age took care of that but I’ve certainly changed.
We did get breakfast at Chick-fil-A and then we went to the pallet store. Today was $2 day and we got some good deals.

Don’t judge . . I love this stuff. They had a big bag with 36 small bags of cotton candy – $2 for all 36 bags. This is just enough for a quick sugar fix. I might share some with Addie. She’s all involved in cheerleading practice and camp and being an almost 10 year old and there’s very little time for Granny these days. I guess if I see her before all 36 bags are gone, I’ll share. If not . . I won’t. This package is $39.99 at Amazon.

Vince found this bag of yerba mate that’s $11.75 at Amazon.

They had three boxes of 24 packs each of Hollandaise sauce. All the boxes had been partially opened so I doubted any of them had all 24 packs inside but I knew for $2, even if I only got 10 packs it was a great bargain so I grabbed a box. Got home and counted and there were 27 packs in the box. The “use by” date is September, 2022 so I kept out 7 packets, which I’ll use before the end of September, and vacuum sealed the others in a resealable bag.

Vince found these blue corn chips – a box of six bags for $2 so he got those. The cheapest I found these online for this size bag was $4.11 per bag at HEB.
Vince found a leash. I found some pots that I can use for starting plants for the garden next year. There were 10 of them in a bag for $2. I’d say they’re about 6 cup size. I think we got 5 packs of those. They also come with little hooks for hanging. I thought we might end up hanging some of them when we get the new fence, depending on what we find that’s cute to put in them.
I don’t remember what else we found but there were a few other things. I don’t mind going there once in a while if we only get things we’ll use.