Vince’s shorts that he loves for wearing around the house have a drawstring and if Oscar can get hold of that, it’s like tug-o-war with Vince’s shorts. As soon as Vince gets down on the floor to play with Oscar, he goes for that drawstring. Last night Vince tucked it way down in his shorts but Oscar knew exactly where it was and he was determined to get it. This went on for 20 minutes or more before I grabbed the camera.
Nelle Coursey says
This is hilarious! And this is the man who didn’t want a puppy!! I think he is as smitten as you are! LOL says
I think so too.
Cilla says
You know my reaction here!!!!!!! OMG I’m dying here. He’s such a Dachshund. Gotta love him. says
He is such a dachshund. We laugh so much at him.
Joyce says
Oh my! I about fell off the couch from laughing! says
I was trying not to giggle while taking the video but I couldn’t help it. He is the funniest dog.