This weekend Vince and I had one of those rare How the Cow Ate the Cabbage conversations. Even though I can be a bit too mouthy, I don’t usually say much til I feel like I’ve had enough . . like I had enough for a while. The whole conversation had nothing to do with going out to eat but since I was probably on a bit of a rant, after we were done discussing the real issue, I said “I’m so tired of never having a say in where we go to eat!”
We don’t eat out much but it’s still more than I would like to eat out. But, every time – really every single time . . it’s somewhere Vince wants to go and he wants cheap, all you can eat, doesn’t care so much about taste and sometimes I wonder if he cares about cleanliness. He’ll find some place he likes and we’ll go 10 times in a row – really!
During our conversation over the weekend, he looked kinda shocked that I didn’t like going to the places he likes to go, even though every time, I say “How about we go to McAlister’s” or Magic Noodle, or Kinnaree’s. Usually he has a reason for wanting to go to Carthage and that’s where his favorite all you can eat place is so we end up going there.
He asked “What places do you like to go?” which kinda made me more irritated since he should know the places I like to go because I ask every time he mentions going out to eat. Once again, I said McAlister’s, Magic Noodle, Kinnaree’s.
Today we were out. We left early to go to the Azure pickup. From there we went to the Mennonite store, then to the plant place (maybe I have that backwards), then to visit with the Mennonite guy who built the shop and buy some eggs from them, then we went by a tourist attraction type place off Route 66. It’s mostly a walking tour but I couldn’t walk so we just wanted to see where it was. Then out of the blue, Vince said “Since you’ve been so good today, I’ll take you to Magic Noodle.” Like I was a 2 year old and I’ve not pitched a fit all day so I get rewarded by not having to go to the stinkin’ buffet!
So, that’s where we went. Magic Noodle. We’re sitting there eating. The food is great. I don’t know why he hates going there.

Vince said “This is really good. Why don’t we come here more often?” WHAT? He’s lucky I’m cool, collected and calm! Then he started laughing. We’ll see if we go back again within the next couple of years.

I think I’ve been there three times in the almost two years I’ve been here and one or two of those times was with Chad before Vince got here. Every time I get Spicy Basil Fried Rice with Tofu. That’s enough for two meals. I brought over half of it home.
My guess is he will not mention McAlister’s or Kinnaree’s and he thinks he’s done so good taking me to Magic Noodle and now we can go back to all you can eat buffets for the next year.
I’m kinda feeling the urge to cook chicken livers every night and see how that flies. 🙂
Peggy K says
How the cow ate the cabbage- I had to look that up! What a hoot!!
Donna in KS says
Can you get chicken livers? We haven’t found them in several years. We both liked them, especially my husband. Do you eat beef liver?
Paula Nordt says
My husband is a hermit. We never go out to eat. If I want something I didn’t cook, I have to go get it and bring it home, or get my son-in-law to get it.
Paula Nordt says
Oh, I forgot, because we have only been fishing once since his knee replacement early March. If we go fishing at Surfside/Freeport, Texas, we will stop at Whataburger for breakfast taquitos on the way home.
montanaclarks says
We only go out to eat when in Billings, the restaurants in our little town are either not great or too expensive as in $50 for a steak! Mike always wants to eat at the same places every single time–and those places are always burger joints.
Janet B says
I used to get aggravated with my husband because he would like to eat cheap, even though I was paying. He passed away on the 12th in his sleep. I wish I had one more meal with him. says
I think everyone wishes that when their spouse passes away but I am not willing to eat cheap, not so good food just because he wants to. There has to be places we both like and appreciate.
Helen says
I love my husband beyond measure. That being said, sometimes he infuriates me so much I’d like to throttle him! I think it’s the Mars versus Venus issue – – we seem to speak different languages at different times.
Glad you got to eat at Magic Noodle. I have been so hungry for Asian food lately, but we don’t have any really good restaurants in my area. There are lots of restaurants that serve Asian food, but not the quality I would like.
Teri says
OMGosh you guys are so funny….I’ve never heard the cow ate the cabbage……we say the pig ate the cabbage
Elaine/MuddlingThrough says
You’re a bad one! But I don’t much blame you.
BarbaraLeaheey says
Been there, done that! On Friday nights my girlfriends and I would go out for dinner, always something new and fun. Saturday nights my husband and I would ALWAYS go to the same old place. He would always have the same thing, me it was always different. When he died and I was moving out-of-state, the girls took me to our old standby on Saturday night! Had a good laugh!
Sheryl says
…I feel your pain. We go through the same thing every single time we go out to eat. I like Asian food but Donnie never wants to go there. He either wants to go Golden Corral or that local diner Rhoda and I took you to that time. I finally told him that he needed to let me eat what I want to eat sometimes! It’s infuriating. We have to eat what he wants to eat. It’s a daily battle even here at home. Several years ago I made the decision that if we have leftovers, we eat whatever.
Elle says
“Since you’ve been so good today”……..I’m speechless. Well not really, but I won’t speak my mind on your blog.
Like you, I won’t eat fast food, buffet etc. and I won’t go cheap. We go out to eat what I won’t cook at home and we really don’t care what it costs. (I love Alaskan King crab but won’t hassle with it at home).
I would likely be pursuing a health conversation given his cardiac history.
Twyla says
I would think as much as you home cook really good meals that you would be the one to always choose where to eat out.
I like to eat at a really good place especially since I cook all the time. And never fast food. says
That’s what I think. Eating out is a luxury (or I feel it should be) because I cook usually breakfast and another meal every day and going to a buffet that I don’t feel comfortable eating at, or an all you can eat pizza buffet – that just doesn’t make me very happy. I don’t mind if we’re traveling and stop in somewhere for a quick meal but Vince doesn’t mind “out to eat” at home being Taco Bell or Arby’s. NO!!