Only once has Oscar let me hold him for more than about a minute but last night, he hopped up in my chair, snuggled up under my chin and sat there for the longest time. My arm was getting tired of kinda holding him up so I eased him down on my lap and he must have stayed there for close to an hour.

I am so hoping this means he’s growing up and calming down and will do this again soon. He only got up because I had to take him out, take my shower and get to bed.
I had planned to stitch but I’d so much rather hold and pet Oscar!
Nelle Coursey says
I love knitting but I think the cuddling and petting are better and more important!! says
I agree! Some day, if he’s like my other dogs were, he’ll be happy to sit beside me and let me knit or cross stitch. For now, he’s still a bit too energetic.
Rosalie says
How wonderful!