The freezer delivery didn’t go so well. The freezer is nice and it’s big . . and cold!

Not only did the delivery guys damage the freezer but they damaged the fridge and the plug behind the fridge. They were rough! They were in a hurry and apparently they weren’t happy about having to walk around to the back of the house with the freezer.
We had plenty of space for them to get it in there, pull forward, then back it into the spot. There’s a bracket just to the left of the fridge and one of them shoved the fridge into that bracket and really dented up the side of it. This fridge is the one we bought when the one in the upstairs garage went out. We kept it there til the new kitchen fridge got here, then put the old kitchen fridge in the garage and brought the new smaller fridge to the basement so it probably isn’t much older than a year . . if that old. The delivery guys banged up both sides of the freezer . . not even sure how they managed that but by the time they left, they weren’t happy with Vince and Vince wasn’t happy with them.
Vince has been on the phone several times dealing with all this. The delivery company will either get us a new freezer or take enough money off this one to make it worth keeping it and they’ll give us a gift card for an extended warranty in case we have problems with the freezer because of the rough treatment. I don’t know if he’s going to get a new freezer or take the cash back. The damages to the fridge are cosmetic and we’ll probably just have to live with it.
When you figure the dishwasher incident, the first basement stove delivered was damaged but that definitely worked in our favor, and now the freezer . . it’s just ridiculous.
But, the good news is that we have room now for ice cream again. We haven’t had room anywhere for anything other than a few ice cream bars lately. Vince went to Walmart and came back with Pink Lemonade, Rocky Road, and Homemade Vanilla (all Blue Bell). Things are looking up! 🙂
Cindy F says
Wow!! You really have had some bad luck regarding appliances!! Hopefully everything will go smoothly (and soon) for your wall oven! Enjoy the ice cream and hope you’re foot is doing better!!
Dottie says
So sorry to read about the delivery – doesn’t make sense that they wouldn’t have taken better care of the delivery. Truly irritating. Thank goodness for ice cream!
Teri says
What a bummer. Ice cream makes everything better! Which way are you two leaning? Replacement or gift card? Or maybe just return it and use the old one?? I know you said you wouldn’t trust it. says
We have 30 days to decide. If the one one works fine and doesn’t have any problems, we’ll probably keep it. They’re giving us some cash back and an extended warranty so I don’t think we could ask for more. No, I won’t trust the old one again. It may work longer than the new one, and we have alarms on all of them now but with two old freezers, and the way things are in the world, we’ll feel better having the new one here.
Joan M says
What temperature alarms did you get? We just had to replace our freezer, and the new one didn’t come with an alarm. We got a Temp Stick alarm. So far, so good… I just wondered what Vince decided to get since I’m not an engineer. says
Vince got the one that has a freezer and a fridge alarm but both can be used in freezers so buying one alarm gave us two really. This is the alarm he decided on.
So far, they’re working fine. We check them every morning and every evening.
Claudia W says
I’m so envious of you. How do you eat ice cream and not weigh 200 pounds? I’m watching every calorie, working out and can bearly stay even much less lose any weight. I’m so frustrated.