Oscar is so much fun to play with but his energy level .. how I wish we could keep up with him.

See the piece of pipe there? It goes behind the sofa and that’s to keep him from getting the “fence” moved and letting himself into the living room. When we open the fence to let him come in and play, we put the pipe on the sofa but last night he was getting on the sofa and playing with the pipe so Vince got it down and started playing with Oscar with it. Oscar loved it and when Vince would stop moving the pipe, Oscar would push it with his nose and chase it. This had been going on for probably 10 minutes before I started videoing it. Oscar was one tired pup by the time Vince stopped playing with him. We need more easy ways to wear off some of that energy!
If you have dogs in the house, you may want to turn down your volume. Oscar is doing his screechy little bark and it may upset your dogs.
Oscar never gets tired of playing!

We sure got a good puppy! I was talking to my cousin last night and she asked how old he is. She said “There’s still a lot of puppy left in him!” As hard as it is now to keep him entertained and challenged, some day we’ll look back and laugh at all the crazy things he does and all the things he’s destroyed!
Dorothy Matheson says
He is adorable. They are a lot of work the first year and a half. Afterthat they are quieter and not nearly so busy all the time they are awake. At 3 and 4 my two deaf dashounds are quieter and loving dogs. They watch me for directions. At sit with me a lot.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
Were they both wild and crazy puppies? Every now and then we get a glimpse of a sweet dog that may some day sit on our lap but I have never had a puppy with as much energy as Oscar has and that scares me a little. The lady who had the puppies said she had one that was always looking for a lap because I told her I wanted one I could hold and love on but then I said “we also want one with some spunk who wants to play” and she said “I know the dog for you!” and described that Oscar was always the first one to want to play and the last one to stop. I can believe that.
Cindy F says
So so cute!! Makes me think of my BIL and their dog Bandit. He was such a handful as a pup and my BIL had to use a laser pointer to work some of that energy off. Bandit didn’t know when to quit so Jimmy would have to just stop to make sure Bandit would take a break. My lab is that way with retrieving…we have to make him stop so he can rest. They sure love the chase or the retrieving though!!
judy.blog@gmail.com says
We have a laser that we point against a wall and it tells us the temp so we can see where we need extra insulation added. Vince had it out one day and was checking things and Oscar was going crazy so Vince played with him for a few minutes. I decided to look it up to see if it was ok to do and everything I read said that it wasn’t and could cause psychological/emotional problems because the dog sees it as prey and he chases it and chases it and never catches it. Vince said “the last thing we need is a dog with problems we caused” so we don’t use it but some days when he’s so full of energy and we’re tired, I want to get it out and use it and, honestly, I feel like it’s a toy and if a dog has a healthy home life, what’s a little chasing the laser light going to hurt but . . we don’t do it. You’re right though . . that is the one thing that tired him out quickly with little effort on our part.
Cindy F says
Wow! I didn’t know it could create issues with a dog! I don’t think they play that way any more but I will pass that along!
judy.blog@gmail.com says
Well, you know . . don’t believe everything you read but Oscar seems to have some weird little personality characteristics and I surely don’t want to make him any crazier than he kinda already is.
Nelle Coursey says
He is so cute! Is he full blood?
judy.blog@gmail.com says
He is full blood dachshund and we have his papers.
Cilla says
I;’m not sure that is true but I’d be more concerned about a laser hitting the eye. Not certain about any damage it could cause. I so miss puppyhood. If I were not 72 I’d have another asap but I want to outlive my pups. Being in Dachshund Rescue for 20+ years I’ve received a lot of frosty faces due to owners death. I have 2 now. Enjoy him and keep the stories, photos and videos coming. But I really need a fix of Puppy Breath!!!!!! I’m addicted.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
Right. We were very careful with the laser and only Vince used it. Addie wanted to and we explained how careful we had to be so it didn’t get in or near his eye.
Puppies are so amazing. Just like little human babies, we have to remember when it’s so crazy that this time will be short. What you said is exactly what I kept telling Vince. There are no guarantees but the older we get, the better the chance of us passing before our beloved dog and I think that would be the saddest thing ever. I’m hoping that if we do go before Oscar, Chad or Addie would take him since he’s already familiar with them and they are familiar with his antics but let’s hope we have a long and happy life together. I do understand what you’re saying.
Janet B says
Ginny loves balls and they roll under the dresser. I have a dowel rod that I use to “sweep” them out. She chases the dowel rod like Oscar is chasing the pipe.
Sheryl says
…He is so darned cute!
judy.blog@gmail.com says
Thanks. We think so but we’re a little biased in our opinion of him. 🙂