Not long after we got here, there was a burger place that opened not too far from our house. We pass it every time we go anywhere. We had talked about going but then had heard mixed reviews and never went. Then it closed for a while and a new owner opened it and it’s now Trackside Burgers. It’s probably been open a year or close to a year. Apparently the guy who opened it either has a BBQ restaurant or a food truck and is pretty popular in town. We like another burger place in town so Vince never wanted to try Trackside but Jeremy and Angie went the other day and he was telling us how good it was so yesterday, on our way back from town, I popped a Benadryl and ordered a Mushroom burger and onion rings. Vince got the same burger but he got fries.

Without a doubt, that was the best burger I have ever had! It was double meat – good, thick patties! Lots of mushrooms and cheese! I only ate half of it and last night about midnight I was tempted to go get the other half out of the fridge and eat it but . . that’s pushing my luck with that much ground beef in 24 hours.
The tops of the buns are brushed with melted butter and then some kind of garlic gremolata looking powder was dusted on top so that every time I put the burger near my mouth, I got that hint of garlic and lemon scent and flavor. It was so good!
Of course, the Benadryl put me to sleep so about 15 minutes after we got home, I went to bed and slept for almost three hours. Not the best thing to do after eating half a huge burger and onion rings.
I’m sure we’ll be going back there for burgers again soon.
Cilla says
Toby and I always split those burgers. says
That was my suggestion but Vince ate all his so he wouldn’t have been happy with half. I think next time, I’ll try harder to talk him into splitting one.
Pamela Papazidis says
I do not find your chatter worthless,but rather enjoyable. I have not been a follower for long but would like to know the origin of your blog name. says
Welcome, Pamela. I started out as a quilter and that’s how Patchworktimes came about. I still have all the quilting “stuff” so maybe some day I’ll get back to it.
Sherry Bobak says
I love those thin, crispy onion rings! We used to get them here in NC only they called them onion straws. Can’t find them anywhere now. Maybe you could order a kids meal burger that would be just enough. That’s what I have to do because I just can’t eat much anymore. And, of course, no one here will eat leftovers except the dog. LOL says
The mushroom burger was the special and I wanted that but otherwise, next time I may just order the kids’ burger. Thanks for that idea.
Nelle Coursey says
Those sound wonderful! We don’t have too much choice now that Heff’s has closed. That leaves the Runaway Train to get a good burger! says
I loved The Runaway Train. I think that’s about all Addie remembers about Brownwood, besides our plum trees. I saw that Heff’s had closed. Maybe another good burger place will open up some day in that location.