Our menu for next week had already been made and printed before the freezer went out. Once I saw what foods I need to use, I changed the menu to include some of the items that we kept out of the freezer but also I included four days of eating on the brisket since I can’t freeze any of it. One day it was brisket. One day it was baked potatoes with chopped brisket, sour cream, etc. one day it was brisket tacos. I was going to take whatever was left and make a pot of red beans with brisket. Easy menu. Lots of leftovers.
Chad has been in Detroit for four months and he came home Saturday. I didn’t see him for probably a month before he left. They went to Louisiana for spring break and some February and early March they were working five days a week to get the work done here before his crew headed up to Detroit. So . . five months without seeing Chad wasn’t fun for me.
Nicole and Addie drove to Kansas City to pick Chad up at the airport and I knew they all needed some time together so I sat home and silently pouted. Not really but I did want to see him.
Yesterday morning I had been out watering and when I came in, I had a message from Chad.

I called him and asked him if they wanted to eat here. They did so we had brisket . . which will somewhat change my menu again for this week. I had a good bit of leftover squash casserole so I put it in a new dish, spread it out, put fresh cracker crumbs on top. Chad said “I generally don’t like squash” but he tried it and I saw him get seconds. He said the same thing about coleslaw and I served the coleslaw I canned the other day. He also got seconds on that. I fixed scalloped potatoes and baked beans. I made enough of both of those so we can have them again this week.
I also made black hummus using black garbanzo beans and black tahini. Of course, Addie wouldn’t touch it but the adults seemed to like it.
In all my years of making menu plans, I’m not sure I’ve ever had to totally redo a menu plan and this time I had to do it twice!
Shelley says
What is your cole slaw recipe? Curious as you have such great recipes
Teri says
Curious about your black hummus recipe. Glad Chad is home and you had a nice family visit.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
I didn’t really use a recipe. I used black garbanzo beans and black tahini and then made it like usual – a bit of water, salt, cumin, olive oil and garlic.
Teri says
Thanks! I didn’t even know black garbanzo beans existed!!
Rebecca says
I had not heard of them, either, nor black tahini. Of course I know there are black sesame seeds; I imagine that’s the source of black tahini!
Linda B says
My thought is Chad was so happy to have some home cooked meals that he discovered he liked some new dishes. It sounds delicious! Perfect Sunday with family.
Nelle Coursey says
You know the old saying “variety is the spice of life”! Maybe this is your week for it! I can’t plan anything because Pat always changes his mind or decides we need to do something! We are loving the new Common Grounds!
judy.blog@gmail.com says
I know what you mean. This morning Vince had to be somewhere early and decided I really should go with him and eat breakfast out. That meant getting my cooking done early wasn’t going to happen. About noon when I said I was going to go start working on dinner, Vince said he thought he wanted to go to the new Pizza Ranch for dinner. So much for my plans.
Cilla says
I need more info on black garbanzos and tahini. I’m off to google……
Dottie says
So glad you already had the brisket ready to go – the rest of the menu sounds scrumptious as well! Glad they were able to come and visit – we parents always love having our grown up kids visit anytime (along with the grandkids!!).
judy.blog@gmail.com says
Yes! If I had known then what I know now, I would have spent much more time with my grandma. I never realized how much grandmas crave time with those grandkids.
Dottie says
I think that’s one of the many reasons we LOVED spending time with our grandparents. Even though they were so busy with everything, they ALWAYS had time for us.