I’ve done what I’m going to do on this one for now. There are other things I need to get done.
The house is as centered as it’s going to get. It’s a few stitches to the left of center but the chimneys had to fall between those points. I’ll center the flowers with the house and go from there.
I’m not exactly sure what I’m going to do to finish this piece.
There’s the cover of the chart again.
Here’s what I’m thinking:
- I could stitch those two trees on either side of the house, but I would make them both have red berries. Then stitch a zig zag line like the one under the ABC row, then stitch Ellen Carr 1843, my initials and 2022, then finish off the border. I would be leaving off the flowers and the words.
- Stitch the trees (same as I said above). Stitch the flowers. Keep the verse on the right (though I’m not real sure what this piece has to do with friends). If I use the friends verse, stitch the initials of three of my friends who have been very long time friends on the left of the flowers. Then finish as shown on the chart.
I’m not at all sure I want the friends verse but I’m going to think about it for a while and see if I can come up with any other verse I might want to put there.
Anyway . . this one is going back it the project bag while I work on some other projects.