I surprised myself with my progress on this one. I finished the first two rows of letters yesterday and I had hoped to do that today.
I feel like I have a toddler with Oscar. I stay up late – sometimes til around 2 a.m. Oscar starts making noise in his crate around 5 a.m., sometimes earlier. I ignore him, hoping he will learn to sleep a little later but if he squirms around too much, Rita hears him and she’s ready to get up and she starts barking and that wakes Vince so usually, if Oscar squirms around more than a few minutes, I get up with him.
Yesterday we were up at 5. I took Oscar out, came in and fed him; took Rita out, came in and fed her, then I sat down to do a blog post and read the things I read in the morning. By 6, Oscar was done eating and ready to play so I played with him for about an hour; we went back out and walked around more; he came in, curled up in his bed and went to sleep. It had rained during the night so I didn’t need to water the garden so I told Vince . . I’m going back to bed . . wake me please in 2 hours. He did and he said Oscar had slept the whole time I was sleeping.
Then, about midnight, Vince goes to bed; Oscar has wound down for the day and I can get a good 2 hours of cross stitching in and then . . it all repeats itself.
Yesterday we went to town twice but I didn’t cook or can or do much of anything except play with Oscar and cross stitch.
Let’s hope I can repeat that today – nap, eat, cross stitch, play with Oscar. I like that lifestyle! 🙂