Saturday we were at the farmers’ market and we had already picked up a bundle of kale. It’s the normal curly, thickish leaf kind of kale. The next booth I came to had “giant kale”. I stopped and talked to the lady and asked her what was the difference in that and regular kale. She told me that she thought it tasted milder than the traditional kale. She told me that she likes to chop sausage and onions, saute it and then roll it up in the kale leaves and bake it. I got two bundles of it and on the way home decided I would make something similar to cabbage rolls.

I made a meatball type mixture for the filling.

I made a sauce with several different types of tomato products. Then I rolled the meat mixture into a kale leaf, put them in the pan and covered them with sauce and baked them.
They were so delicious and something I had never thought of doing before. I had no idea there was a variety of kale that was large enough to fill and roll.

I ended up with enough rolls to have two containers for the freezer. I cooked 5 and put 5 in each of the containers. For lunch, Vince ate 1-1/2 and ate 1 so five of them is enough for two meals. The meatballs shown on the tray are extras that I’m freezing. I hope the lady will have more kale at Tuesday’s market so I can stuff more for the freezer using the extra meat. If not, I’ll figure out something else I can do with it.
They seemed very similar to cabbage rolls, but much easier!
Cheryl says
That recipe looks great. By the way I love your blog and don’t mind the ads one bit.
Paula Nordt says
I really enjoy your blog, but totally understand the time it takes. Plus, you are so good about responding to comments and questions, it makes us feel acknowledged. But you do what is necessary to take care of yourself!
Sue Lyon says
I love your blog and understand the need for the ads. To have the pleasure of reading your blog I would put up with double the ads. I have been a reader of your blog when you lived in Missouri the first time. Followed you to Texas and now back to Missouri. I would surely miss not having your blog to read. Your adventures, Vince, Boots and now the new puppy. Your blog makes my day.
Linda B says
I would miss your blog and the knowledge you freely share so much if you decide to stop blogging. Completely understand but just know you will be missed.
Debra McIntosh says
Oh please don’t stop blogging – it has been part of my morning routine for so long now – I get up, put the jug on, read my local news, look at the weather, make a cuppa then read your blog! I love it.
Christina Coats says
Hi Judy, thanks for the recipe, I might , might just get my husband to try Kale at last. As for the ads I just ignore them, far too engrossed in reading your blog. Its my routine too to get up, make a coffee and read the blog. Love it all especially about Vince’s funnies. Its good to have a chuckle a day. Hope Oscar has slowed down on the chewing front. says
Oscar may be slowing down a bit. He’s now 5 months old. Every time I think he is slowing down, he turns into an even crazier dog. He can now easily get onto the sofa and into our recliners. That had always been a safe place for me to leave my stitching, stack folded clothes that need to be put away, put Vince’s mail, etc. No more! I’ve stopped putting things on the sofa hoping that since there’s nothing up there for him to get into, he’ll stop doing it but I think he has such a better view from up there that he loves getting on the sofa and looking around. It isn’t good for his back to jump down, especially at the speed he goes, so we’re working on him not getting on the furniture. If we have as much luck with that as we do with potty training, we’ll need a new sofa soon. 🙂
Rebecca says
Easier because you don’t have to par-cook the kale, but do with cabbage? It really sounds good, but I have been trying eating red meat since we had a ham for Easter, and that has confirmed that it is not a good idea for me!
Joyce says
Stuffed Kale sounds good. I like kale anyway, so that’s a plus. I’ll have to see if I can find kale leaves big enough to use for for stuffing. I would miss your blog if you quit!
Deb E says
We worried about our dogs jumping on/off the sofas and the beds…there was NO way they’d stay off them – makes good vantage/view points for little fur babies. At that point we had yorkie sisters (same litter), and they were the BEST dogs we’ve ever had, but very small dogs. The solution we came up with was to build a ramp and carpet it (just take carpet squares you can buy at a carpet store for cheap & attach with screws & washers on the sides). We used 1/2″ thick OSB for the sides/back and front (it’s open on the bottom so you can clean out spider webs/dust bunnies, etc). Gave them a sturdy surface to grip with their nails so they could safely go up and down – but make it a gradual slope, not steep. We have area rugs under our sofas (and carpet in the bedrooms) so that worked great. But with your hardwood floors I’d attach some of the thick furniture pad squares on the corners so you don’t scratch those lovely floors, plus it makes it easier to move when vacuuming. At one point we had a small step set up we’d purchased from a yard sale that we thought we’d try out with those same sisters….no way would they go up/down it. Just sat there and looked at us with these “WHERE is our ramp and WHY are you changing it?” No one can tell US that dogs can’t train their humans the way they want us!
Deb E says
Oh, I forgot to ask! Looks like you used hamburger, onions, chopped up peppers and some spices for the meat to roll in the kale? Is that correct or something else? What spices? THANK you for the idea — the doctor has told me I need to improve my ‘good’ numbers by eating kale, and that looks like a very delicious way to do so. Appreciate your recipes!
Karen says
I would miss your blog. It’s one of my absolute go to blog. I enjoy all the content.