There’s a restaurant down south of here that I love. When Chad lived in Neosho and Monett, we would go eat there when I was in town. Vince has never been there and it’s one of those places that I’ve talked about for so long and he’d probably go and not even like it so I decided . . heck, I’ll just make it myself.
As I remember, it’s all in a bowl. There’s potato salad in the bottom, then baked beans, then pulled pork, then coleslaw on top.

Yesterday morning I made potato salad. I love potato salad. I love potatoes (good thing with all those I have planted!).

I made coleslaw dressing and coleslaw.
I had pulled pork in the freezer from the last time I smoked a pork butt.

I had homemade, home canned baked beans in the pantry so this was fairly easy, especially since I was working on worm food and dog food all morning.

I don’t know if Vince loved it like I loved it but I did love it! He said he liked it and he ate it. Before I dished it up, I told him . . it’s potato salad, baked beans, pulled pork and coleslaw all in one bowl or, you can have it separately. He said “I’ll have mine the way you have yours” so . . that’s how he got it.
We have leftover beans, leftover potato salad and leftover coleslaw but that was the end of the pulled pork.
I think I’ll cook a sirloin steak today with the sous vide and sear it in a skillet and we can use the leftovers.