Read very quietly! Don’t make any noise! Let’s try to sneak this post by The Enforcement Officer because, with all the new charts from Spring Market, I have fallen off the wagon. I started out not buying much but then I kept seeing what everyone else had and I wanted it . . even though I know I’ll never stitch it but . . who cares, right? Oh, yes . . The Enforcement Officer cares! She’s doing much better at this than I am but I think I’m good now . . til Fall Market.
Vince, of course, was home when the mail came! Oh, speaking of Vince . . we went to Lowe’s today. Mulch was on sale so I sat in the truck while he went in and paid. He came out complaining about the old guy they asked to help Vince load mulch and he just walked away so Vince had to load 15 bags by himself. Hey – who helps me bring in packages of linen and charts? No one . . I do it (thankfully) by myself and I don’t complain! 🙂
So, we had this little conversation:
Vince: They had a help wanted sign in Lowe’s.
Me: Pretty much everyone has a help wanted sign!
Vince: I wonder what they pay. Maybe I’ll apply!
Me: (Grabbing my phone) Let me call them for you RIGHT NOW!
He knew I was just joking . . or was I? 🙂
So, I had two packages arrive today. I already knew they were coming because I get Informed Delivery. I tried to get him to go to Lowe’s by himself. I should stay home and watch Oscar because he got shots today! Nope, that didn’t work. If I had stayed home, I would have retrieved my packages, left the rest of the mail in the box and pretended the junk mail was all that arrived. Bad wife! Vince needs a job! 🙂
So, I walk in with the mail and Vince said “Show me what’s in your packages.” What? Are you kidding? No! Not happening!
But he was having much too much fun torturing me so I said “OK! I’ll show you!”
The best of the haul was a pair of orange Dovo scissors.

I’ve heard the Dovo scissors are no longer being made. I’m not sure about that but I loved these orange ones. Vince said “Did you NEED another pair of scissors?” I told him . . I didn’t have any orange handled scissors! He reminded me that I had just bought a pair of red scissors so I said “Well, now I won’t need to buy red or orange scissors!”
Then I showed him the charts:

I love Christy Barron and that might be the chart I stitch in memory of my aunt. I needed the Easter Trio because that looks pretty easy and I didn’t get Addie’s Easter project done this year so I’ll make two for her next year . . I hope.

The Easter Trio even has two buttons in with the chart. Cute!

At the top is Gardener Goode Witch by Brenda Gervais. I think I should stitch that one soon and have it for Fall.
Left bottom is Spring Farmhouse by Notforgotten Farm. You know I love a mustard colored house!
Bottom right is Ellen Bullifent 1881 by Lila’s Studio. The colors in it are so similar to Christy Barron that I think they could almost be companion pieces.
OK . . the end . . that’s it for Spring Market 2022 purchases. At least there was no floss or linen, right?
Liz says
My local Lowe’s always have young guys in the parking lot drive-thru area for mulch & dirt pickup.They’ have 3-4 guys out there on the weekends to handle the traffic.
I need to get some good dirt to fill the new grow bags – I got 1 and 2 gallon ones as a start. I just planted some micro greens in one small bag. I have greens growing in another pot in the front and should be able to harvest them within a week. I’ll just keep planting seeds every week to get fresh greens. I also have mini-romaine, baby spinach, butterhead lettuce which should fit in nicely in the 1-gallon size bags but will take longer to grow.
The cucumber and tomato plants are almost ready to plant outside. I may try planting them in the 2 gal bags, but I have larger pots to use.
It dropped down to 34 this morning which is pretty close to the average last freeze for the area (April 15th), so I feel better about getting some plants going outside.
I like all of your purchases….
JackiesStitches says
It’s the embroidery scissors and something else Dovo isn’t making amymore. They are still making some scissors. I have a few pairs and they have amazingly sharp tips. Worth every single penny! says
According to this article, Dovo announced in January of this year that they will no longer be making any scissors. Maybe they’ve changed their plans but most of the shops that sold them have posted that they will not be able to get more of them.
Amy (Waunaknit) says
Next you need green scissors….and blue, and purple, pink. yellow……… ;0) says
I’ll tell Vince you suggested that! 🙂
justquiltin says
The Enforcement Officer just yesterday ordered one T. Kogut shop exclusive chart and the DMC for it and if they have the second chart to ride along with it in stock, which was a Jeannette Douglas market release, they will send that too so she does have a fun package that will arrive in the not too distant future. 🙂 says
Whew! Glad to hear that. I feel like I’m off the hook! 🙂
justquiltin says
LOL – yes we both toppled off the wagon but I have crawled back in and am back on the straight and narrow. says
Me too but probably because there’s nothing else that interests me at the moment! No, I’m back on the wagon.
Nancy says
Love, love, love that Christy Barron chart. It’s one I really want to stitch, but there are so many I want to stitch and so little time. So I bought it anyway, just in case! says
Just in case you live to be 250? I’ll be right there with you stitching into my very old years. Wait . . no . . not quite there yet. says
Not to enable but Victoria Clayton has a silk packet for Christy Barron. 🙂
Twyla says
I am stunned that Vince would even say did you need two of anything! Doesn’t he have multiples of many things he buys as bargains?
Thank goodness James has always outspent me by a great deal so he has never said anything about my fabric I purchase.
Dot says
How many screwdrivers does Vince have? Years ago, I couldn’t find a screwdriver in the tool chest in the garage, and my husband said, “There might be one in the Travelall.” So I went digging around in the truck, and brought in 11 screwdrivers! (I am surprised you have no orange scissors. Not even a Fiskars for everyday use?) says
I had orange Fiskars for the garden but they must have gotten tossed in the move.