We only had Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights to eat out and, as much as I love crawfish, I didn’t see any way to get crawfish.
Nicole, Chad and Addie were in Louisiana three weeks ago and they always go to Tony’s Pizza but they didn’t have time so Nicole didn’t get her Tony’s Pizza fix so the plan was to eat pizza Friday night. My uncle loves Tony’s so we did that.
Saturday was the birthday party and we were eating lunch there. I love Darrell’s and wanted a Darrell’s sandwich. My uncle loves those too so we got Darrell’s Friday night.
Sunday morning we had breakfast out. My plan was to get Torchy’s Tacos on Sunday evening. I love Torchy’s and haven’t had that in quite a while. The Torchy’s in Lake Charles is fairly new. Crawfish are so messy to eat and I hated making that kind of mess at my uncle’s so I was going to just miss out on crawfish, even though I haven’t had them in at least three years.
Sunday afternoon, my uncle said “How about we pick up crawfish for dinner?” Oh, yes!

Oh, how I love crawfish! I was so thankful to get them. That was just the icing on the cake for a wonderful trip.
Helen says
Good food, good times and family. Sounds like an amazing time.
RuthW in MD says
Looks like a lot of legs in that bowl….never eaten crawfish.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
That’s funny! Oh, my . . I am not sure I could ever have enough crawfish.
Kathy says
So….how do you even eat them things?????????????
judy.blog@gmail.com says
Just like an elephant one bite (except it’s one tail) at a time. They are so delicious!!