I am so NOT into decorating. The way I see it . . yes, it’s pretty and festive but all that stuff has to be put away and stored til next year and that makes it not terribly worth it to me. I did better when Chad was growing up . . trying to be a good mom. I got way worse living in Texas. Very few (like 6 people) ever saw the outside or the inside of our house in the almost 10 years we were there. Heck . . we didn’t even have a Christmas tree. No one came for Christmas and it was something we had to dig out, put up, take down and put away again. Yes . . call us Scrooge!
Here, I’ve done better. I did put up a tree . . twice . . both years I was here for Christmas, even when I was here by myself.
Addie and Nicole go all out with their decorating and I know Addie comes here and feels bad for me that we have no decorations so . . I ordered some things for decorating.
There were a couple of things I ordered off Etsy that aren’t going to be here til right before Easter but I figured . . what the heck . . I’ll have them next year.

That’s pretty cute . . for a non-decorator, right?
There are still a couple of things coming from Etsy.

I ordered three bunnies from Hobby Lobby and one had a rough trip!

Vince asked what I was going to do with him. I told him I’d make a cast if he would make him a pair of crutches. Surely he could print a pair crutches with his 3D printer or carve a pair out of wood. We’ll see.
I sent a note to Hobby Lobby and if they have more in stock, they’ll send me a new one. I still need something to go in the center of the table. That may have to wait til next Easter.
Donna in KS says
Probably not for center of table, but a pot of lilies would be nice. That will be about all I do. I used to do a lot but have lost my enthusiasm for holiday decorating.
Verna A. says
Since my boys have grown, I haven’t done as much decorating for holidays.
Easter lilies are pretty, but they are toxic to cats. Your decorations are beautiful!
Linda Garcia says
My mother was a school teacher and went all out for every holiday, even valentines and the little holidays. Me…not so much. I am like you, it’s something I will have to put away in a few weeks, so I don’t see the point in all the work. I would rather be in my sewing room!
Cilla says
The most I do now is a few blow up holiday Dachshunds outside. I’d do each holiday that way if I could find them. Halloween is 2 skeletons climbing up my porch railing with my 2 Dachshund Skeletons trying to bite the human skeletons. Those 2 human skeletons change up during the year. Sometimes they grill, or mow the lawn etc. Gotta have fun!