It’s way early on Monday morning, and it’s Valentine’s Day. I didn’t get the piece I stitched for Vince sewn into a pillow.
I have everything downstairs that I need to finish it but I just didn’t finish it. I did show it to him already and he seemed happy that I had stitched it for him. I’m sure he would be happier if I finished it but hopefully, I’ll get it fixed for next year.
You know what’s so weird? Yes, I know what you’re thinking . . everything in my life is weird. I could write a book. My sister and I keep laughing and saying we should write a book. We have a crazy family situation going on and I think we’re laughing to keep from crying but . . that has nothing to do with this post. We would never write a book about our family – probably everyone goes through these things.
Anyway . . the weird thing is that the name of the Valentine’s piece I stitched for Vince is “Key to My Heart”. When I received the chart from Teresa Kogut that I’m working on for her, the name of it is “Key to My Heart”. What are the chances that I’m working on two things in a row that have the same name? The first one was a mystery type “kit” and I didn’t even know the name of it when I ordered it and when I told Teresa I’d try to stitch this for her, I didn’t know the name of the chart. I think that’s such a fun little weird happening.
See . . I’m looking for fun anywhere I can find it these days.
RuthW in MD says
Hmm, what are you doing today that keeps you from finishing Vince’s Key to my Heart pillow? Valentine’s Day is 24 hours looooonnngg, you know. Imagine it finished and on his bed pillow tonight….sweet! says
First and foremost, living in the basement with Boots has my allergies trying to kill me so spending much time in there with him, the fabric, the iron, the cutting mat and the sewing machine would probably end up with a visit to the doctor today for a shot.
Second, I have a sample for the Nashville Market for Teresa Kogut to get finished.
Third, we are about to leave and will be gone for probably half the day to look at a farm about an hour from here.
Is that enough or would you like more reasons? 🙂
RuthW in MD says
Acckk!! You are definitely VERY busy today!! Of course, I knew you had your reasons for saying you weren’t going to be able to finish that cross stitching piece. Take care, and I hope your allergy pills work. I bet the drive out was nice because Boots stayed home.
Shauna Trueblood says
It is a very cute piece and I really like the green you picked. I am slowly getting a tote full of finished stitching pieces that need to be fully finished, so I understand totally where you are. I think you get a pass for this year with the whole living in the basement. I am amazed at how much you have done while living down there. You whole cooking set up is way more than I would have attempted, but you make it look easy.
Cindy F says
What a coincidence! Looking at a farm….hmmm. Hoping to hear an update on that! 🙂