This recipe for Dinner Rolls is what I was looking for at Hillbilly Kitchen yesterday. Today I made the rolls and these are the best rolls I’ve made in a long time.

I hate to say the recipe is easy because I’m sure someone will think it’s hard but for anyone who has ever made any kind of bread, I think you’d find this recipe to be super simple.

Are those beautiful or am I just hungry? 🙂
We had ham, grits/corn casserole, salad and rolls. Vince used his rolls and made ham and cheese sandwiches. I seriously could have passed on the ham, grits, corn and salad and made my meal out of rolls . . but I didn’t.

Yesterday Vince asked me why I never start cross stitching til 6 or 7 p.m. I told him . . it’s because I have as much fun cooking, canning, cross stitching .. it’s hard to pick what I want to do each day!