I shouldn’t . . but I am! 🙂
Sheri from Colorado Cross Stitcher hosted Cross Stitch Camp during the summer and due to lots of requests, she’s hosting a Winter Cross Stitch Camp during the month of February. I’m going to give you just a few details but if you are interested, you can join the Cross Stitch Camp group on Facebook and/or sign up for Sheri’s newsletter on the Colorado Cross Stitcher web page (near the bottom of the main page). I’m not so sure signing up now will get you the newsletter but if you want it, email me and I’ll forward you mine.
Here’s my version of the details:
- Start February 1
- Finish February 28
- Stitch a one color design
Now that I think about it, you probably do have to be in the Facebook group because you have to post a picture on February 1 and again when you finish. Thanks to a reader who let me know – the pictures are to be posted on Instagram and the hashtags are #wintercrossstitchcamp and #coloradocrossstitcher.
Anyway, I’m going to do it so if anyone else wants to do it, choose a pattern and get ready to start stitching on February 1.
A reader and I had already decided to stitch a one color project (Alphabet en Blanc) as our Sunday stitch after we finish the ones we’re working on but we changed that to starting it on February 1.
I had ordered this chart back in September, along with red linen. Why red? Don’t ask me now . . should have asked me in September! 🙂

I’m ready . . just going to wait for February 1. I’m pretty sure I’ll frame mine in a traditional type frame but I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.
Deborah Stokes says
I think the pictures are to be posted on instragram – but im not at all certain. I figure ive got two wekks to fogure out onstragram! LOL
judy.blog@gmail.com says
Thanks! That makes sense.
Dorothy Matheson says
I aparently am not the only one who needs a lessen about instangram
Cindy F says
I’m excited to be doing this with you so thanks for the info. I joined the Facebook group and I also have an Instagram account that I have never used…lol Guess it’s time to figure it out! I will probably sign up for the newsletter too. Looking forward to the fun! I still need to go find buttons…lol
Cindy F says
Looks like I had already signed up for the newsletter but never received it. Sent her an email so hopefully will be able to start getting them.
Carolyn says
Well, I am tempted. I’m just getting back into cross stitching and can’t do the higher count fabrics many of you work on, but I could do something….
Kathleen H Schwitzner says
I’m blaming you Judy! LOL! I went and ordered linen and floss for an alphabet sampler I want to make. I plan to make it my Olympic project. I plan on stitching the Greek alphabet, which is a HUGE inside joke for me and my husband.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
I think we need to hear the rest of that story!
Kathleen H Schwitzner says
I haven’t blogged in a while but when I do, I’ll make sure y’all know!
Julie Thomas says
Well there you go being an enabler again! ?
Julie Thomas says
I just figured out why those extra ? Show up in my comments. That was supposed to be a winky face. Guess you can’t use emojis on here. 😉
Julie says
Geez Louise, that time I used the semicolon and the ) and it turned into an emoji. I’ll figure this out eventually. Lol
judy.blog@gmail.com says
Why did it post two of your comments and hold the other one for me to approve? It’s a crazy world!