My goal was to get 500 stitches made and I did.
Barely made it but I made it. My goal will be at least 500 stitches every day but I know it won’t happen every day. There’s a lot of detail in this one! My goal is to have everything above Santa’s head stitched before time to put this away and start the January 1 SAL.
It’s definitely going to be pretty but the holes in this linen are so small. I’ve stitched on 40 count before and yes, that’s small but these seem super small and tight!
Since I’m stitching from a digital chart, I only see a small area around where I’m working and I wasn’t looking at anything else. I stitched that A and thought . . this looks like something from PacMan or a video game. I wonder why it’s in here. I wasn’t even recognizing it as an “A”. Later talking to Denise, she said something about the A and I thought . . oh, yes, it’s an A!
Then, those green things . . I thought they were stick figures. I was thinking . . I know there’s not a scarecrow in this piece so why are there stick figures. Denise to the rescue . . she mentioned the cherries. Those are the stems to the cherries.
So . . no PacMan memorabilia and no stick figures . . so far.
Sheryl says
…It looks great. I still haven’t started mine. says
That’s ok . . start it when you can. I think it’s a fun stitch so far. Not boring for sure!