We moved to such a great place but . . you already know that.
There are only two houses on our street. The neighbor (my neighbor . . not the neighbor’s neighbor! <G>) does a lot of shopping online. Seriously, I think she just does a lot of shopping. Because we keep our blinds open and can see out the front, and because our cameras pick up vehicles on the street, we often comment on how many packages they get.
Vince and I have both done a lot of shopping online. Yesterday, Sunday, I think Fed Ex was here three different times, the USPS truck was here twice and I think Amazon was here. This morning, a bigger Amazon truck was here at 7:30 a.m. Vince was so enamored with the Char-Broil oil-less fryer that he ordered the Char-Broil smoker/grill that will cook a bigger turkey, and smoke and grill because . . well, you’ll have to ask him why since we already have more than one grill, more than one smoker and the other turkey oil-less fryer as well as an electric turkey fryer that uses oil as well as a setup for the big pot and burner to fry a turkey.
Anyway, it’s been a constant coming and going of delivery vehicles to our house. This evening Vince said “I think we got more deliveries this past week than the neighbors did!” I sent her a note on FB and said “Not that we’re counting but this is what Vince said . .
Her response:
How nice to have a neighbor offering to help me hide packages! Our mail lady in Texas would stick my packages in the strangest places and I’d get a text “You have a package by the tree in the pasture.” The pasture? I have no farm animals other than chickens and I knew she hadn’t come down the driveway. I’d write back and say “Which tree?” and it would sometimes take several emails before I found my package. A treasure hunt of sorts.
Now my neighbor is offering to help hide packages. I can see her “sneaking” it over.
Yes, we have good neighbors! Even the one neighbor who is . . I need to be careful here . . not so friendly . . I looked out the other day and he was in the back yard talking to Vince. That was kinda weird. Vince walked in and said “Guess who came over to visit me?” I told him I had noticed out the window. Yep . . weird. He doesn’t usually even wave if we’re almost face to face in our yards. Maybe it’s the holidays spirit! 🙂
vivoaks says
LOL! You have neighbors who hide packages – we have delivery drivers that hide packages, then claim they’ve been delivered!! I will admit that Amazon does better than the others, but today they left our box at the door going into the garage, instead of at the house door. Small problem!! The Fed-Ex guy that just dropped them along the road, when we’re 300+ feet back from the road, down a hill, and can’t see the road for the trees – that’s the one that gets me!! I don’t think he’s working for FedEx anymore, though….too many complaints. You can’t claim to have checked and no one was home, but when the home has Ring, and there’s no picture of him anywhere near the house, you know he’s being lazy and not doing his job. So nice you found a great area and great neighbors! Have a wonderful Christmas!
RuthW in MD says
Maybe the “silent” neighbor is from Maine, New Hampshire, or Vermont. They tend to speak a lot less, and be more brusque about matters, very little sugarcoating of things. My first roommate in college was from Maine.
Nelle Coursey says
Or maybe he is just a shy person and he wanted to meet Vince one on one. It is great that he came over. We have driven past your old place here twice this month. They have Christmas decorations on the gate. I started to take a picture for you but I didn’t. Still miss you. Common Grounds still has not moved to their new location! They have had problems with purchasing materials and also with the subcontractors! One electrician was not even finished and wanted more money than what he bid on the job! He got fired! LOL
judy.blog@gmail.com says
We’ve met him and talked to him a couple of times already but he isn’t friendly.
Linda+Garcia says
My DH has a little plaque on the walk-in door to his shop that says “office”. When the delivery drivers come in the driveway, they have to pass the shop to get to the house. The FedEx driver leaves packages at the “office” door. The UPS driver brings them to the front door.